Fukami x Reader

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Requested by LilZodiac. I hope you enjoy!

Sal had revealed he was the Ambassador of the Sea of Death and abducted Samekichi. Wadanohara had decided to rescue Samekichi.

(Y/N) was walking next to Wadanohara, her weapon at the ready. Memoca and Dolphi were close to one another, whispering to one another. Fukami was being silent as always, but something seemed off.

"Samekichi?! Samekichi, where are you?!" Wadanohara called into the darkness before them.

"What is this place? There's nothing here..." Memoca whispered. Dolphi was shaking in fear.

"Samekichi?!" Wadanohara called again.

"It's too dark to see anything? Are you sure Sal is even here?" (Y/N) asked.

"............ Don't worry." Fukami said. Everyone looked at him. He closed his eyes and.... smiled?

"You'll meet him soon." He opened his eyes, which were now a deep red. (Y/N) gasped and reached for her weapon. Before she could do anything, the little bit of light which barely helped them in this corridor disappeared, leaving them in complete darkness.



(Y/N) squinted into the darkness, pulling Wadanohara closer to her when she heard bodies dropping to the floor.

The light source seemed to appear again because (Y/N) was able to see a little bit in front of her again. What she saw horrified her.

Memoca and Dolphi's bodies were lying on the floor, covered in blood. They both had been beheaded and their insides had been pulled out of their bodies. You could see the fear in their dull eyes.

Fukami stood next to the bodies, his boots had been stained in their blood and he also had a bloody handprint on his coat.

He smirked and locked eyes with (Y/N).

(Y/N) felt something wet on her arm and stomach area, she looked down and screamed.

Wadanohara had been disembowled and her eyes scratched and bloodied. Her face was pale from shock and terror and (Y/N) could see the last tears she shed.

Wadanohara had been dead before (Y/N) grabbed her...

(Y/N) dropped the witch's corpse and took a step back, her eyes wide. "W......why?" She asked, her voice shaking. "Why did you kill them?!"

Fukami chuckled but didn't respond. (Y/N) collapsed to her knees, shaking violently. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

"Do it then! Kill me like you did to them!" She screamed at him. Fukami sighed and walked towards her shaking form. He knelt down in front of her.

"You know," He smirked. "I've always admired you, (Y/N). It's a shame you had to follow Wadanohara today." (Y/N) looked into his red eyes. They were filled with bad intentions and sadistic thoughts, no remorse.

Fukami smiled. "It's a shame I need to kill you. You could of joined us but I know you would never betray Princess Uomi!" He laughed.

(Y/N) felt a sharp pain in her abdomen and looked down. Her intestines had spilled out onto the floor, a small puddle of blood surrounding them. (Y/N) choked on air and gagged.

Fukami just laughed at her pained expression. He watched his love interest twitch and gag, a blood puddle slowly growing wider around her. The octopus stood up before the blood could stain his pants.

(Y/N) glared up at the octopus. ".....Damn...... you!" She snarled, she coughed up blood. Fukami silently watched her slowly die with an unreadable expression.

(Y/N) reached a bloody hand towards the octopus and tightly gripped his boot. "I.... hope.... you ..... burn!" She gasped out and fell limp. She fell face first into her own intestines and blood, making a small splash and squelch.

"I always loved you (Y/N)..."

Sorry if it's bad. I don't know much about Fukami! I hope you enjoyed reading this!

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