Satanick x Bunny girl!Reader

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Requested by TrueScarletFantasia. I hope you enjoy!

"(Y/N)! Wait for meeeeeeee~" Satanick cried. The Devil of the Pitch Black World was stalki- I mean following the poor girl. She had done everything she could to try and get him to go away, but Satanick wouldn't go.

"Piss off!" (Y/N) shouted over her shoulder at him. She glared at the dirt road in front of her and walked quicker.

"Don't be mean to me!" Satanick wailed. This made (Y/N) really mad, she spun around and pointed a finger at him.

"YOU are a perverted and desperate man, Satanick! You love to tease and torture another devil and your subordinates! Your sons despise you and your wife is off somewhere, doing god knows what!" (Y/N) shouted, her cheeks red from anger. Her heart was beating fast from adrenaline and her palms were sweaty.

Satanick stopped grinning and stared at the girl with an emotionless expression. This scared (Y/N). Satanick was known for being a big pervert and being super 'happy' all the time. However, everyone knew when he got like this, you're as lucky as a (insert item/being in an unlucky situation).

"That is true (Y/N). My sons hate me and I tease my subordinates. But it's who I am. If you can't understand that, don't bother to live in my world." He said in a low voice.

"I understand perfectly Satanick!" (Y/N) waved her hands around and smiled nervously. The Devil continued to stare at her with no emotion.

Satanick began to walk closer to the bunny girl, with no spring in his step or cheerful attitude. (Y/N) began shaking.

I messed up, he's gonna kill me! (Y/N) thought. She was beginning to regret what she had said. Her (H/C) ears were flat against her head. (Y/N) considered legging it but it would be a waste of energy, Satanick could probably catch up to her and kill her, without using much of his own energy.

(Y/N) thought of hiding from him, it could buy her enough time to escape the forest and go back to her home but then again, Satanick could probably find her easily.

(Y/N) decided to stay where she was, kick him in between the legs if he gets too weird and hop away. This isn't going to work. But it's my best shot at living!

Satanick now stood before the smaller girl, he glared down at her. "Scared of me now? Where's that attitude gone from earlier?" He smirked. (Y/N) growled, trying to sound scary. This just made the devil laugh.

Satanick grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulders and kept her in place. (Y/N) wished she had just ran, there was no escaping him now. The bunny began to have terrifying thoughts of what he would do to her.

The Devil opened his mouth a little, showing sharp, pointed teeth. (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

Satanick laughed at her scared expression and forcefully grabbed her chin, making her look into his eyes.

"You're such a cute bunny (Y/N), it's a shame you're not that obedient." Satanick frowned. (Y/N) was trying to silently move her leg back, so she could kick him in between the legs with some force.

"I won't obey your sick rules!" (Y/N) cried and brought her leg back to kick him. She underestimated the devil though.

Satanick disappeared from in front of her and reappeared behind her, kicking the back of her knee and making her fall to the floor. (Y/N) managed to roll onto her back, which was a big fucking mistake.

Satanick straddled (Y/N)'s waist and pinned her hands above her head. He smirked. "Never thought I'd see you like this~" He purred. (I'm sorry...)

(Y/N) spat in his face. Satanick growled and stared down at the girl. "You're really getting on my nerves."

(Y/N) avoided his gaze and glared at a nearby tree. Satanick pouted and then had a 'brilliant' idea.

"Well (Y/N), it seems you won't obey me, so I will make you!" His cheerful smile came back; which frightened (Y/N). She was just about to snap at him when she suddenly saw black.


(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes fluttered open, her head ached and her vision was blurred and made her feel sick (like when you're dizzy).

She slowly sat up, wincing at the pain in her side and her legs. She looked at her surroundings and froze.

Straw, wire mesh, bowls for food and water. She was in a bloody rabbit hutch!

(Y/N) moved and felt something around her ankle. She looked back and saw a chain. The bunny growled.

"SATANICK!" She screamed and grabbed the wire mesh. The devil appeared outside the hutch, grinning. "You! You are a prick!" She screamed at him.

Satanick seemed to ignore her and smiled. "You look so cute my little bunny!" He cooed. (Y/N) snarled at him.

"What the hell?! Why did you put me in here?!!" She demanded. Satanick chuckled.

"So you can be my little cute pet! My last rabbit died and I was looking for another one!" He said.

"I will never forgive you."

"You don't have to! You're powerless with that chain and I'm the only one that actually knows where little (N/N) is." He smirked at (Y/N)'s horrified expression. "Maybe is you behave, I'll let you go out for a bit."


"Not got anything to say? That's OK!" Satanick giggled. (Y/N) looked up at him, fear and sadness in her eyes. She knew there was no point in fighting back, it won't release her.

"I love you my little bunny girl~"

Sorry this took so long, I've had writer's block!
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story!

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