Chap. 2 - First Date

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I just woke up at 10am & I check my twitter to see that Ricky followed me and posted "No plans today just going to hang out hopefully I will see some of you."
So you direct message him on twitter "Hey u wanna hang out today?"
"Yea what do u want to do?" he replies shortly after.
"Umm Idc it's up to u."
"We'll I have an idea meet me in the lobby at noon."
"Kk." you reply as you check the time it's 10:45 now so you decide to start getting ready.


By the time your ready its 11:55 so you begin to walk down to the lobby. when you get there he is already there waiting.
"Hey!" you say as you walk up to him.
"Oh hey!" as he stands up and hugs you.
"So what are we doing?"
"It's a surprise but come on." as he grabs my hand & leads me out the back door towards the beach.


We arrived at this place really far down the beach, it was under the bridge that goes across the water. There was barely any people so it was so peaceful & beautiful.
"God this is so pretty!" I say while looking across the water.
"I know it's beautiful." he says as I look at him & realize he was looking straight at me while saying that.
I blush a little & look down.
"Don't look away its true, your so gorgeous." he says as he lifts up my chin. Which makes me blush even more. He laughs some & leans in & kisses me gently.
I pull away some & he looks at me with a questioned look.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"This is wrong, like it feels so good" we both laugh some. "But what would everyone else think?"
"Think about what, us? They would probably think we're perfect!"
" But Ricky, our age difference it's not right, it's not legal..."
He lets go of my hand. "So it's illegal that two people about 4 years of age difference fell in love with each other!"
"No but... Wait, you love me?"
"Well yeah.. But forget it now if you don't think it's right" he says as he turns around & begins to walk away.
I run in front of him & grab his hands.
"Listen I do want this to work out."
He rolls his eyes & looks away.
"Seriously! I just don't want it to get around everywhere & have people think of us in the wrong way. okay? I love you too."
He lifted his head in excitement as I said that.
"You do?"
"Well yeah, why wouldn't I?"
"Well a girl like you usually doesn't fall for a guy like me. Unless they want to become famous or something, that's why I never had a lot of relationships."
I wrapped my arms around his neck & started kissing him.
He picks me up as I wrap my legs around his waist & he carries me down the beach until we came under the bridge.


I woke up & it was really dark outside & Ricky was still deep asleep. I looked at the time on my phone & it was 10:48pm I got up & put my clothes back on & then he woke up & looked at me.
"What time is it?" He asks with a sleepy voice.
Omg his voice sounds so sexy when he's tired!
"About 11."
"Oh dang it!" he got up quickly & started putting his clothes on.
"What's the matter?"
"The guys are going to wonder where I'm at & there going to ask a bunch of questions & stuff!"
"Shit I didn't think about that! we need to get back!"


We arrived back at the hotel when we were walking up we noticed the guys at the pool so we both just went up to our own rooms & put our bathing suits on & went down to the pool with the rest of them.


Sorry this chapter is so long I just really got into it I'm going to continue the pool part & stuff in the next chapter which should be up tomorrow. Please vote & comment what you think. :)

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