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  Since the rest of the class decided to stay behind in case Binky brutally murdered all who ventured out to seek him, it was up to our four heroes: Arthur, Francine, Buster, and Muffy -- All armed with any sharp objects they could find in the classroom. Arthur gripped a pair of scissors tightly in his right hand, carefully watching the ceiling for any vents that could let Binky sneak attack them. 

  "Shouldn't we like, call the cops or something?" Muffy shivered. "Searching for this freak is giving me the heebie-jeebies."

  Francine nodded, "That would be the logical thing to do but where's the fun in that? This is something we can all look back on when we're old, old people. Think of it as our first hunting trip together as a group."

  "Technically," Buster butted in. "Our first hunting trip was the first time we lost Binky all those years ago... Remember? In the forest..."

  "Okay class! After our picnic, we'll all explore more of this vast forest! Did you know various species of fungi grow here?" Mr.Ratburn cheerfully spoke.

  "Fungi? What about the rabbits or the deer?" Buster asked. "Seeing a bunch of mushrooms doesn't seem too interesting..."

  "Well, you might not think so now... But, you might think different later! Some species of fungi even glow in the dark... So mysterious!" Mr.Ratburn began to trail off, thinking of his vast knowledge of nature. "Any-who! While we're eating, I must take role call. Hmm... Arthur?"

  "Here!" Arthur called out whilst eating his lunch. Mr.Ratburn began to read down the list of all the students in his class. 

  "Yes, yes. Hmm. Binky?" Mr.Ratburn paused to listen for Binky's reply. "Binky?" Mr.Ratburn looked at the students, scanning for Binky. But, there was no sign of him. "...Has anyone seen Binky?"

  The students glanced at each other. "I haven't seen him since we got off the bus," Francine replied. "I think he said he was going to use the bathroom..."

  "Oh no..." Mr.Ratburn whispered under his breath. He cleared his throat, his voice sounding nervous, "Be c-calm, everyone! Don't panic. Wait here, I'll go find Binky in no time!" Mr.Ratburn turned to face Arthur. "Arthur, I'm trusting you to be responsible and to watch over everybody while I'm gone for a little while, okay? Can you do that?"

  "I'll do my best." Arthur replied with a smile.


  "Oh yeah, I remember that..." Muffy responded. "Mr.Ratburn left Arthur in charge for some fucking reason. He should've called the police to look for Binky but I guess he didn't want to get fired or something."

  "Hey, Arthur was a good leader. He still is." Buster replied. "Remember? Mr.Ratburn was gone for almost four hours and it was beginning to get dark. Arthur led a search party for Mr.Ratburn and Binky."

  "Where's Mr.Ratburn?" Buster asked Arthur nervously. "I know I wanted to see the little forest animals and all, but..." Buster rubbed his arm and gulped, "The forest isn't so cute at night, Arthur. We should've been home two hours ago."

  Arthur was scared too, but he couldn't show it. He needed to be strong for the group. "Okay, everyone listen up!" They all looked to Arthur. "Mr.Ratburn and Binky are in trouble. If we look together, we can find either both or one of them." 

  "He's right. We can't stay here all night! I have baseball practice in the morning!" Francine stood next to Arthur. "Come on, guys!"

  "Oh, no!" Muffy exclaimed. "It was bad enough I was dragged along this field trip in this icky, muddy, bug-filled forest! I am not walking in the forest just to look for two losers!" Muffy crossed her arms, "Who knows? Maybe they haven't returned because they got eaten by wolves!"

  The students began to talk among each other, fear rising from her words. Arthur looked at the chaos starting to brew, knowing he had to stop it before fear blinded everybody. "Listen! There are no wolves in this forest. Nothing can hurt us if we all travel in a group!"

  "Yeah, come on guys! Would you rather wait here alone?" Buster added. 

  The class's eyes widened as they realized the thought of being sitting ducks was much worse than moving targets. The class began to follow Arthur into the woods, Muffy staying behind, arms crossed and stubborn as hell. Arthur had took out a flashlight Mr.Ratburn carried in his bag to light their way in the darkening forest. Muffy watched the light begin to grow smaller, and smaller until she couldn't take it anymore. "FINE! WAIT UP!" Muffy called as she ran towards them.

  "Heh, I remember when we finally found one of them." Arthur chuckled. "Mr.Ratburn was face down in a pile of shrooms he swore were some sort of food source. It was one of the funniest shit I've seen in my whole life..." 

  Buster laughed, "Yeah, and he was hallucinating the whole time we dragged him back to the bus. What did he pretend he was again?"

  "He thought he was a prisoner captured by a bunch of aliens, or some shit. It was fucking bonkers. The only way we got him on the bus was by telling him we were told to bring him back to Earth by the president." Francine grinned. "Ah, shit. Good times."

  "Even though we were able to get him relaxed enough to drive, we still never found Binky." Muffy looked at the ground as they walked. "You know, maybe this is why Binky is mad at us all..." She sighed, "We left him. Totally forgot about him. When we went home, his mom was an absolute wreck."

  "I can imagine why. His mom is the best. I wish I had his mom. You know, just the other day, she saw me smoking some pot and asked me where I got it. I thought I was busted as fuck but instead she was like 'Arthur, where are you getting your medicinal marijuana? Is it from a safe source? You know I'm a nurse, I can get you medicinal marijuana'. And I was like, sweeeet. His mom's kinda hot, too."

  "That's hella true." Francine nodded. "When we find Binky, I gotta ask him if Mr.Barnes is still in the picture."

  "NO ONE TALKS ABOUT MY MAMA AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" Binky's voice roared as he jumped from inside a locker, tackling Francine. Binky clawed at Francine's face, making a large cut on her cheek. 

  Arthur jumped to defend, stabbing Binky in the back with a pair of scissors. Binky shrieked, stumbling back. His eyes dodged between everyone as he steadily moved backwards. "I..." Binky felt the sharp pierce of the stab wound course through his body. "I'll return..." Binky scurried away, heading out the front door of the school.

  "He's leaving school grounds!" Buster shouted.

  Arthur helped Francine up who was out of breath and pissed as hell, "That little fucker is going down!"

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