Taking the own poison

Start from the beginning

N: How are you feeling?

Sarah: My head hurts.

N: Yet?

Natasha and Steve stared at each other.

S: It was supposed for the medicine make the pain go away.

N: But maybe it didn't work because she vomited and needed to eat something. It will pass.

Sarah: Will you stay with me?

N: Of course, I promised, didn't I?

Sarah nodded.

Natasha looked at Steve.

N: If you don't mind.

S: Of course not. It's time for the antibiotic.

After Steve gave the medicine for Sarah, he turned off the TV and took her to her room, Natasha was right behind them.

Steve laid Sarah in the bed and Natasha covered her.

Natasha sat down beside Sarah's bed.

Sarah closed her eyes and fell asleep. Steve looked at Sarah for a few seconds, then turned to Natasha.

S: You can have the room.

N: No.

S: Natasha.

N: No way.

S: But...

N: I want to stay here.

S: Here??

Steve frowned.

N: Yes. I won't be able to stay away from her now. I... I just wanna be here.

Steve stared at for a few seconds, he nodded and left the room.

Steve knocked on the door to James's room and stepped inside. James was asleep sitting on the floor with the video game controller in his hand. Steve turned off the TV and put James on the bed. James woke briefly.

J: Is Sarah Okay, dad?

S: She's getting better.

James went back to sleep, Steve went to his bedroom, he took a pillow and a duvet, he returned to Sarah's room and handed it to Natasha.

N: Thank you.

Steve just looked at her gently. Steve left and went back to his room. Natasha spent hours watching Sarah sleep, and Sarah slept well all night.

During the night Natasha felt hungry, she got up carefully and opened the door. She looked down the hall and the door to Steve's room was open, she struggled to see if he was asleep but she couldn't see right.

Natasha went to the kitchen and didn't turn on the light to not wake anyone, she opened the refrigerator and searched something to eat. There was only healthy food, Natasha rolled her eyes.

Natasha decided to check the cabinets and found a box of cornflakes. Natasha opened and ate almost half of the box. Natasha tucked the Box of Cornflakes back and when she turned she knocked the cutlery over the floor, that was on the counter.

S: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Natasha knocked over because she didn1t notice Steve arrive in the kitchen and she always notices any kind of movement. Her heart quickened with the fright and then she calmed down to see it was Steve.

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