Happy birthday to you

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A/n it's Ryan's birthday today for my country so I'm gonna post this today

(Your pov)

Today is Ryan's birthday, he told me he didn't want much just a couple of friends to come. So that's what I planned.

They were all coming around 1pm it is currently 8am and Ryan and I are just cuddling.

My face is buried in his chest and his face is resting in the crook of my neck.

We just lay there enjoying each others company

" happy birthday Ryan" I say but my words are muffled

" thank you baby" he replies quietly

I tightly hug his waist, his arms at Safely wrapped around me.

We stay there for a while before he shifts us so he is on top of me. I smile up at him and he kisses me passionately but rough.

He pulls away and smirks at me

" morning sex?" He asks

I nod " morning sex"


(Ryan's pov)

I look at y/n in awe as she gets dressed into a skirt and a band shirt. I slightly laugh at the style she has.

She glares at me and I put my hands up in defence.

" babe you have to get dressed"

" I'm an old man I don't know how to get dressed" I reply smirking

She gives me an ' are you serious' look and walks over to me.

" fine I guess you won't get your birthday present" she says looking sternly at me

" I don't need a birthday present, I have you" I say hugging her waist like a child

She kisses the top of my head and begins to walk away.

(Your pov)

I walk into the kitchen and began making breakfast and feeding Dottie.

Ryan eventually makes his way into the kitchen with only sweatpants on, he walks up to me and hugs my back.

I continue cooking ignoring him.

After 5 minutes of him trying to get my attention I finally give in.



" I love youuuu"

" I love youuuu toooo"

I finish cooking and set our breakfast on the table, we eat.


Ryan has a shower and gets dressed, since I knew he took long I made him a cake.

I finish the cake, ryan is dressed, people are arriving.

First came brendon and Sarah
Then josh and dallon
And Jenna and Tyler

It was only a small get together for Ryan's birthday.


Everyone was gathered  around the table.
I put the cake in front of Ryan.

I quickly turned off the light and sat back down with the others
We began singing happy birthday.

We finished and Ryan blew out the candles. We alll cheered and I kissed Ryan's cheek.

" I'll be right back" I said going to grab something from me and Ryan's room

I came back and gave the wrapped present to Ryan

" babe you didn't have to get me anything" he said

He opened it and had shock in his eyes

I smiled at him and he gave me a huge passionate kiss.

Everyone was shocked

I'm 2 weeks pregnant

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