"(Name), you barely can't walk."

"Wooww~ Rem your so strong I am inspired by you!" I wipe a fake tear like a proud mom.

"You're not weak nor useless, you protected Ritsuka even though you hated her, don't listen to him." He carried me the bridal way as I huffed.

"Don't mention her name! It really makes my nerves ughh annoyed or something."

"Thank you for defending me for moment there, but you didn't have to because you got badly hurt now." He sighed as I giggled.

"Hehe~ at least not getting my shoulders reopened!" I shiver at the image of ripping skin.

He drops me at a red sofa and I lay my head on the armrest.

"Is it supposed be goodnight or morning?" I asked.

"Just go to sleep, you're hurting my head." Rem leaned onto my shoulder and closed his eyes and I closed my eyes after.


I jolted myself awake.

"LOEWEN!" I felt something move beside me.

'Shit, its Rem.'

'Of course its Rem! You thought it was a dancing hotdog!?'

'I like blue hotdogs.'

"Just like Loewen." I whispered and very slowly and carefully peeled him off me and kissed his cheek before running outside, wincing at every step I took.

I immediately teleported to the park that Ritsuka and Loewen are in.

When I arrived I saw Ritsuka calling Asuna and Loewen very impatiently waiting for her.

'Tch! Stupid Girl, why would she follow someone she just met 6 seconds ago! He is a blue Smurf! Noone trusts a blue Smurf! And he is a hell's watchdog and he even told you and now your going to follow him?! What if he hurts you? What if he kills you? And I'm going to be the one who's going to protect a idiotic Useless girl like you.' I sigh at her idiotic and stupid way of thinking.

I quickly went to the teleportation portal as speed of light and noone seemed to complain.

"If you don't tell then I won't go with you!" I cringe at her braveness.

"That stubborness! That Courage! You are indeed father's daughter!" I roll my eyes and went to hiding to the pillars.

'So your dad is cringer than you? Damn, you don't even have a father. Maybe he left you because you were the grimore.'

I got bored because they started talk about the grimore and then Loewen then started to get all touchy and then Ritsuka's ring started to glow and it made Loewen fly into a pillar making a crack.

"Poor Loewen...Tch stupid exorcist ring..."

Then Loewen just stood up and fixed his clothes like nothing happened.

'Pfft Haha! I feel like Sebastian would do that!'

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