Chapter 2: Hello, Im Cas

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Castiel woke up at 4:00 am he knows neither his stomach or his head were feeling well. He was very nervous for college...and possibly hungover. He wouldn't remember even if he was. "Good morning are you ready to leave!" Cas jumped at the sound of his sister Anna banging at his door.

Castiel looked over to his alarm clock that read '4:12'am. "What are you doing? it's too early Anna."
"You were supposed to check in yesterday but you were too wasted to go so I put you to bed." Now Cas knew why he had a massive migraine and stomach ache. "Ok but couldn't you have waited til morning?" Cas was starting to get angry and Anna knew when Cas started to get angry. "You know what I'll pack your bags get you coffee and you can go sleep in my room. Ok?"
"Yeah thanks Anna"

Cas woke up 2 hours later and felt the puke coming up his throat. He ran as fast as he could to the bathroom. "You ok Cas!?" Anna yelled with a smirk on her face.
"Ok just so you know I got all your stuff ready we can leave when you want to. Oh I almost forgot I have to drive you as well because Luci had to go to work early."
"Thank you Anna." Cas said with a half-pain half-smile on his face. "Let's go."

Cas walked into his dorm room at 7:12, surprised to see Dean in his room. Dean Winchester was in his room. A million thoughts raced in his head. "Will he remember me! Oh god I need to change rooms.I should go before he wakes up!"

Cas is about to leave.."Hello I wasn't expecting a roommate." A sleepy Dean said with a smile on his face.

"Um, hello?"

"I don't bite!"

Cas shook Dean's hand. "WHAT IS GOING ON!" Cas thought "He really doesn't remember. But what about all the drawings I did for him. I need to talk to Sam. I'm hoping they live at the same apartment."

"My name is Dean. Dean Winchester."

"Hello, I'm Castiel Novak but you can call me Cas."

"Do I know you from somewhere?" Dean said with a confused look on his face.

"Should I tell him? I should probably talk to Sam first." He thought. "No" Castiel replied. "Oh well you look familiar it could just be me though." Dean said still smiling. " I'm going back to bed just make sure to be quiet."
"Ok I'll be heading out for a while anyway. Bye Dean." Cas left with a smile. He missed Dean but now he had him back.

Cas called Anna and asked for the car. As soon as she pulled up Cas got in the car and told her an address. "Where am I taking you I don't want to be arrested because I assisted in a drug deal." "Anna what the hell I just need to talk to someone."
"Yeah right talk"
"Seriously just take me"

They pull up to the house to find Sam and Jess on the porch. The same porch where Dean and Cas had their first kiss.
Cas was mesmerized for a second remembering how good it felt. "Are you leaving now?" Anna yelled. "Ok ok I'm going."

Cas walked out of the car and walked up those steps. He couldn't believe this was happening, that he was going to see Sam again. "Hello." Cas said quietly trying not to disturb the couple.
" that really you!" Sam was very glad to see Cas. "Who else would I be." Sam pulled Cas in for a hug. Jess did the same. "Sam I need to talk to you. Alone."
Sam gave a few concerning looks to Jess but he just brushed them away. "Of course Cas let's go inside and make some tea we can go talk in Deans room."
"I'll just be in the living room. Call if you need anything."
"Thanks Jess." Sam said after he kissed Jess on the forehead.

Sam and Cas sat down on Dean's bed. "So what brought you here Cas I haven't seen you in ages? Have you seen Dean? I've been meaning to talk to you about him but I haven't had any way of contacting you." "Well... I uh yes I I saw Dean. He said I look familiar but didn't know who I was. I'm scared Sam what happened while I was gone? Should I have told him who I was?He doesn't remember me. I wanted to talk to you before I talked to Dean about it."
"...Ok um yeah I'm glad you did. So basically what happened was two months after you split up with Dean and moved we went on a road trip for him to take his mind off things. We were almost back home. A semi truck hit us and I got out with a broken leg. Dean was hospitalized for almost a month he woke up perfectly fine but he still wasn't quite right in the head." "Sam what do you mean by "wasn't quite right in the head"?"
"I mean he lost most of his temporal lobe which deals with memory. I have his papers over here if you want to see them." Sam points to a stack of what seems like an innumerable amount of papers. "Thank you Sam." Castiel looks through the stack and sees a folder marked 'Dean Winchester: Saint Luke's Hospital'. He flips open the first page and it reads:

Dean Winchester: Saint Luke's Hospital
Doctor: Dr.Robert Singer and Dr.Jody Mills
Admittance Date: Aug.23.2016
Admittance Time: 8:43.p.m
Age: 19    Born: Jan.24.1997
Condition: Fatal wounds to the Temporal Lobe, three broken ribs, internal bleeding to the spleen. May need surgery.
Surgery Set Date For Splenectomy:
Aug.24.2016 7:00.a.m
Aug.25.2016 8:36.a.m
Patient is healing fine from the Splenectomy. Will need Craniotomy for Temporal Lobe.
Surgery Set Date For Craniotomy:
Aug.25.2016 5:00.p.m
Aug.26.2016 6:05.p.m
Patient doing fine still hasn't woken up but reacting to the medication well.
Sept.20.2016 7:56.a.m
Patient woke up this morning everything seems completely fine,but doesn't remember crash. Ready to release with patients brother Mr.Sam Winchester.

Release Date: Sept.22.2016 5:00.p.m
To Mr. Sam Winchester.

"So what are we supposed to do?" A scared/confused Castiel asked.
"Honestly I really don't know." said Sam with a slightly disappointed look on his face. "What I suggest you do is just tell him about you and him but Cas please for his sake go slow that would be the best thing to do."
"You really think that's a good idea?
"Like I said I really don't know, but that is my best idea."
"Thank you for being willing to talk to me Sam."
"No problem Cas."

They continued catching up and had some lunch before Cas called Anna to come pick him up.
"Bring Dean when you come back Cas!"
"I promise we'll come back Sam!"

"Hey Cas, Who was that?"
"No one Anna just an old friend I needed to talk to."
Anna had a confusing look on her face "Cas you know you can talk if something is up you don't look okay."
"I'm fine Anna just take me back to my dorm."
"Okay I'm just worried. I love you little brother." Anna said with a big smile on her face."You know I love you too Anna. Thank you for the ride."

Cas got back to the campus and walked into his room. Dean was still sleeping. Cas thought it was a good idea to wake Dean up so he could talk to him.But he was very, very wrong.
I hope y'all like this chapter comment suggestions to some future chapters but I got a few in mind so don't be mad if I don't use your idea😘
~*gives you all candy canes*~

Love ya🧡™️😘

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