Xenac's dares(I will end you Zack.....)

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I dare Dakota to go running through the streets yelling "I AM MILEY CYRUS!" while Quentin records him.

D: why? *pulls his shirt off and runs outside* I AM MILEY CYRUS!!!!!

Q: *records it*

D: *comes back inside and puts his shirt back on* its cold as fuck out there!

I dare Quentin to steal candy from a baby.

Q: no

Next dare for both of you, Grab a plate, now break it, say sorry to it. Question, did it go back to the way it was?

D: *breaks the plate* sorry Mr. Plate!

Mr Plate: *sits there broken*

Naru: *sniffs it*

Q: its not working

Exactly, it didn't.

D: okay, you made me break a perfectly good plate * picks up the pieces and throws it away*

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