JinxedJaguar's dare

481 15 1

I dare both of you to blend a McDonald's salad and drink it. All of what is blended. Even if you throw up. You are welcome. *smirks*

Q: why?

D: oh god, this is gonna be soooooooo gross

*After blending two McDonald's salads!*

D: okay, I have the Southwest salad and Quentin has the Asian salad.

Q: this is gonna be so gross.

D: i know baby but we have to.

((FOR THE VINE!!!!!!))

D: okay, in three, two, one. bottoms up! *starts drinking*

Q: *starts drinking*

D: oh god that is awful!

Q: Jesus Christ, why do we do this to ourselves!

D: *finishes his and runs for the bathroom*


Q: *finishes his and keeps it down* oh god

D: *comes out of the bathroom drinking water* never again Quentin, never again

J: *sniffs the empty glasses*

D: Jasmine! Don't touch those!

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