white_fire_fox's dare

618 17 14

Meh dare: Quentin to try petting a nine tail fox from naruto

Q: but there isn't one he-

And if he says 'but there is no nine tail fox around here!' Then here *magically makes a fire and summons a nine tail fox from naruto* hehehehe

(ah shiro, always thinking ahead)

D: go on Quentin, its not gonna bite you

Q: you don't know that!

D: just do it Quentin!

Q: fine. *grumbles to himself and slowly makes his way over to the fox*

Fox: *insert fox noise here(nope, not gonna look up what noise it makes, lazy admin strikes again!)*

Q: *pets it carefully* this isn't so bad

F: *makes fox noise and rubs against Quentin's hand*

D: is this gonna be a new pet? It seems to like him a lot.

(I don't know, I'll have to ask shiro about that.....)

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