49 - Crumpled Pages

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And they held the final Support Session. A few more people attended than the previous one, which Hermione took to be a good thing. She hadn't told too many people about it but she had planned a mini party for all the people who regularly came, so when people like Dennis Creevey and his reluctantly persuaded friends walked in, they were met with plates of food and music and games. It was a very fun time for everyone, and there was a lot of dancing and singing badly to favourite songs, and some bemused faces when Muggle classics were played and only a handful of students knew the lyrics. Hermione had organised some (admittedly childish) party games, like Pass the Parcel and Musical Statues, to help everyone get into the spirit of the party, and there were plenty of opportunities for magical enhancement.

"Seamus, stop it," Hermione scolded him with a grin as the music stopped again and he performed a Full Body Bind on himself. She lifted the spell and helped him to his feet.

"I've stopped moving, haven't I?" he replied cheekily, "I'm thinking creatively here, Hermione. You should try doing the same!"

Draco also taught her some magical party games they could easily play, and Hermione didn't understand them one bit but everyone was laughing so much and having such a good time she felt it was more fun to let him butcher a few rounds rather than discourage it. She did have to call an end, however, to a game which resulted in Luna's hair being charmed to flash neon colours while making assorted animal noises.

At the end of the session, which had gone on until the night curfew had long passed, Hermione turned off the music and gathered everyone around. They were all exhaustedly happy, and some were still giggling from the remnants of jokes.

"Well, I just want to say that this has been a fantastic year in so many ways," Hermione said, smiling widely at her audience. "There have been bad times, of course, but nights like this make you realise that these good times are far more frequent and far more powerful than those. We've all done so much, and it may not seem like that, but if you count up all your small victories then pretty soon you realise that you've done amazing things.

"I won't be here next year, and neither will my very good friends, so this is the final ever Support Session from us. Thank you to everyone who came, and thank you for all your shared wisdom and support for each other. We are truly the survivors. I will just end by saying that there will always be people to turn to whenever the going gets tough, even if they don't seem obvious." Hermione glanced slightly towards Draco, whose lips crinkled into a smile. "There are always good things out there. And I hope we get to carry them forward to the next year, wherever it takes us. Goodbye, then, and thank you."

There was a hearty round of applause, and lots of whooping and cheering. Hermione beamed at everyone there, so happy that she had helped them. She had done so many things this year, and one of the ones she was most proud of was the Support Sessions.

Conversation rose again, and Hermione prepared to tell everyone they would have to go back to their dorms or face the wrath of the teachers when Dennis Creevey stood up.

"I just want to say, firstly, thank you so much Hermione. You've really helped me, and so many other people. I know I've already made that clear to you a few times, but I thought I'd remind you again." He cleared his throat and offered her an unbridled grin. The shadows were gone from his face; he looked like a child, unburdened by sorrow once more.

"And I wanted to say that I would like to continue the Support Sessions myself next year, seeing as Hermione won't be here. I know I won't be anything as good as her, but I'd like to try just so I can say I've been there for people. Is that OK, Hermione?"

Hermione was gobsmacked, but completely delighted.

"Of course! I'm so pleased, Dennis. Make sure you tell Professor Clark and all that stuff, but I'd love it if you would. You'll need a teacher to be present, of course, and you'll want friends to help you because I know I wouldn't have managed this without my friends --"

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