Chapter 18

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Gerard's pov

This can't be happening.

This can't be really.

Wake up, Gerard.

Wake up!

"What, no hug?" My father asked with a cackle of laughter that instantly made my heart stop. "You must've missed me while I was away."

"H-how d-did... I-I don't..."

"I see you still stutter like a little bitch." He spat, making me flinch.

Out of all the things I forgot from my past I still remember my father. The man who made it his goal in life to make me feel worthless, hated, and depressed.

"I guess you'll have to make it up to me for you know, sending me to fucking prison for all of those years." He sneered and stepped forward causing me to step back.

"P-please d-don't hurt me." I whispered, feeling like a child again. I felt like I was back in my old home with him, living in fear ever second, shaking in a dark, cold room that I called home back then.

"Oh, I'm gonna wish you were never born." He spat, grabbing my wrist tightly making me gasp in pain and fear.

"N-no." I said, trying to pull away from his strong grip that was definitely leaving bruises.

"Finally starting to stand up for yourself?" He chuckled darkly as he dragged me over to a beat up black pick up truck. "The boys are gonna have fun with you."

"No, l-let go!" I said, hitting him as hard as I could but it seemed not to bother him because he kept dragging me. "Frank! Help!"

"Stop fucking screaming!" He snapped, slapping me across the face.

My eyes widening when I felt the all too familiar burn on my face. All of a sudden I was a child again, shaking in the corner as he beat me up. Calling me such hateful things that I believed.

It was getting harder to breath as my struggling became weaker and weaker. My mind was shutting down because that's the only thing that it could do to block out all of these bad memories. My calls for Frank sounded like they were in the distance as the truck door opened and I was pushed inside.

"N-no, no, no, no..."


"He's been through so much, Frank."

"He'll be awake soon."

"His mind needs time to heal."

"Will he be the same?"

"We're not sure."

"This is all up to him if he chooses to wake up."

"Gerard, please, baby, I need you."

"He's been out for two days, he'll wake up soon."

Where am I?

"Why does all of this shit have to happen to us?"

Who's there?

"I don't know..."

Why can't I move?

"I promised him I would keep him safe."

"And you tried your best, he'll understand."

Why can't I open my eyes? Everything hurts.

"Maybe you should get some rest."

"I'm not leaving until he wakes up."

I can't talk. Why can't I talk?

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