Chapter 10 - romeo and juliet

Start from the beginning

Newts pov.

I walked Sophie down to her next class, trying to keep a calm appearance. But after I dropped her off to the class I grew stubbornly jealous. When I was flipping through the roles everyone had got I couldn't help myself from checking who got the roll of Romeo, and of course it had to be Justin. Stupid Justin. I thought of all the attempts he had made to steal Sophie from me. Sophie. The person I cared about most in the world and he wanted to take her from me. I tried to calm myself with the fact that after all his attempts Sophie was still with me.  I knew I could trust Sophie not to leave me, but it wasn't Sophie I was worried about. There was a kiss in the play. They would kiss several time, they had to in practice. Then they would kiss in front of everyone on the night of the show. And they'd all be thinking that they'd make a cute couple. And I'd have to sit there and watch. I shivered at the idea. It was stupid I knew. But just the thought of Justin laying a hand on Sophie, he'd be getting what he wanted. I should have known I'd be jealous. Sophie knew. She knew me better then I knew myself. I should have listened to her. Or had the guts to try out for the play. But it was to late for any of that. I just had to remember it was only a kiss. It didn't mean anything, there were no feelings attached. It was almost... a fake kiss, "uh newt, are you ok?" I looked up. To my surprise Sawyer was hovering right over me. "Sawyer, how long have you been standing there?" I asked. "Long enough to know something's wrong" he said laughing. "I'm fine I just forgot to breath there for a second" I said trying to catch my breath. Sawyer raised an eyebrow. Then I told him about all my troubles. But Sawyer had the perfect plan. "We should get Justin out of the play! Then his understudy would do the kiss instead of him!" He said excitedly. "I don't know.. isn't that kind of risky?" I reasoned.  But Sawyer game me a "don't be a coward" look. "Who said that?" I asked laughing nervously. "Cool, will start by trying to make him sick." He said with a devious smile. "How will we do that?" I asked. But just then there was a loud sneeze from behind us. We both turned around to see asha, blowing her nose. We both shared a devious smile. I walked over to asha. "Hey asha" I said awkwardly.
"Hey newt.." she said expressing the same awkwardness. "Listen since we broke up I felt really guilty for lying to you about not liking Sophie, so I thought I'd set you up with a guy" I said trying to lie as best as I could. "Who.." she asked suspiciously. "Justin" I replied. She smiled. "Really he's pretty cute" she said contently. "Yeah he told me he likes you and really wants to kiss you" I said. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah!" I responded. "Do you think I should?" She asked. "Definitely!" I answered. "In fact I wouldn't even talk to him or ask him anything I'd just walk up him and kiss him, for a while." I added. She frowned. "Why?". "Uhh because he told me he liked it when girls are confident enough to just kiss him without a conversation first" I lied. "Ok, I'll go do it" she agreed. "Oh but wait I'm sick and it's contagious" she said stopping. "He's totally in to sick girls!" I added. "Alright!" She said. then ran off to find Justin and kiss him. Sawyer walked up to me. "If that girl didn't hate you before she sure will now" he said patting me on the back. "I feel bad" I admitted. "You should that was just cruel!" He said. "Should I stop her?" I asked. "What? No way this is gonna be hilarious" he said watching her go up to Justin and kiss him. To me and sawyers surprise he went along with it and kissed her back. "There's definitely tongue" Sawyer observed. "Oh he is going to be so sick!" I said excitedly.
- the next day -
"How is he not sick!" I complained the next day seeing Justin walk there the halls perfectly healthy. "He must have a great immune system". Sawyer said sounding impressed. "The shows in an hour , I guess I'll just have to watch him kiss Sophie" I said in defeat.
- at the show-
Me, Sawyer, Troy, Bella, and pepper had all gotten tickets to see the play. We were all sitting with the rest of the audience in the auditorium. And then the curtains started to open. "All right everyone the play Romeo and Juliet is about to begin!" Ace announced. I braced myself for the worst when I heard a voice. "Mind if I sit?" I looked up it was Sophie, I observed her, she wasn't even in her costume. "Sophie?! What are you doing here your supposed to be on stage!" I said surprised. "Nope I'm "sick" she said using bunny fingers. "Soph why would you pretend to be sick?" I asked in disbelief. She sighed and sat down, "Sawyer told me how upset you were about Justin playing Romeo" I sighed, "you shouldn't worry about that it's stupid" I said. "Yes I do, it makes you unhappy and I don't want to be the cause of that" she said taking my hand. "It's not fair to you " I argued, "newt I didn't really want to do it if I had to kiss Justin either" she admitted. "Plus, I realized I don't need to be in a stupid romance play when I have an even better romance in real life, newt, your my prince, your even better, your my once upon a time, and my happily ever after, I don't need to be in a play to feel like a princess when you already treat me like one" she said flashing a beautiful smile at me. "Do you really think I'm more romantic then Romeo?" I asked. "Prince Charming should take relationship advice from you" she said assuring me. "Your the best girlfriend in the world" I said leaning in to kiss her. We kissed passionately, not caring that the whole audience was watching us. Then the audience started clapping. But not for the play, for us. We broke apart and laughed lightly seeing the people cheer for us. "What did I tell you? We're adorable" Sophie said smiling. "Your adorable" I corrected her. "Hey watching a romantic play in the dark together? This is sorta like a date" I said. "Is it ok if we just make out the whole time?" She asked. "Ok!" I agreed right away enthusiastically and started kissing her. "Hey I'm tryna watch a play here!" Someone yelled at us a couple rows back. "Yeah well were trying to have a moment so shut up or I'll break you!" Sophie yelled back fiercely. Then she turned back to me, "where were we?" She asked. "Doing this" I said leaning in to kiss her again.

Sophie's pov.
I only knew the play was done because people started cheering, otherwise I wouldn't have known, me and newt were to busy doing other things... as we walked out of the auditorium I caught up with Sawyer, "hey Sophie what's up?" He asked. "Newt told me about your ring problem" I said. "Oh" he replied sadly. "I just wanted to let you know, sure pepper loves big fancy rings, but she loves you more. And whatever ring you give her, she won't notice how much it cost, or how pretty it is, she'll notice the thought you put into it, and she'll notice how much you care about her, and how much she cares about you. The promise part of it is much more special then the actual ring, so I wouldn't worry to much about getting the perfect ring if it costs too much. She'll understand" I said. "Thanks Sophie, that makes a lot of sense , your smart" he said. "My Abuela says I'm wise beyond my years." I said smiling. "I can see that" he said sarcastically, then he left, and newt walked up to me, hey did you notice who played Juliet? He asked. "Ashley, my understudy" I responded in disgust remembering how much I hated her. Newt laughed. "What?" I asked. "Ashley and Justin sort of seem like the perfect pair don't they?" He asked. "Oh yeah, there both mean popular jerks that tried to mess up our relationship!" I noticed. "Yup they have a lot in common" he agreed laughing. "But you know who's an even better couple then them?" He asked. "Us" I replied. He smiled. "Exactly"

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