
Chris Vail loses his smile.

"No. But you are gonna wish you were."

Lelah's eyes widened, and the door opens with an audible click. She turns swiftly, speechless. She makes out the dark shadows behind the warped glass. Lelah grabs the discarded plastic and pulls it tight across her body.

"Come on this way, please."

They walk in and freeze at the sight of Lelah.

Lelah clutches the plastic tighter.

It's silent for a moment.

"I-I-I-," Nicks says stammering. "Can someone get her some damn clothes?"

Jenny stumbles forward before breaking into a dead run. Her red eyes shine in the lights. The blonde hair waves behind her as she collides with Lelah. The two hug each other tight ignoring the men in the room.

"Lelah," Jenny almost sighs the words from her place at Lelah's throat.

She doesn't let go of Jenny but looks up from the blonde waves.

"I'd like a shower and a change of clothes."

The men don't move.

She sighs, exasperated.

"In that order, please."

Nick laughs and wipes his face.

"Guess I owe you a drink after this."


Lelah has to admit that Nick Morton could've chosen a worse pub.

There are just enough people for background noise and not to scream their orders at the bar. The wooden floors and tables are so clean they sparkle in the light. Lelah takes in the red woods, the plush seats and the flat screen hooked to the top of the bar.

The three of them can't look away from the screen.

Lelah pales at the plane crash site.

It's all crumbled metal, smoke and dying flames. The field ruined. The green grass is now burnt soil with smoke still rising. She takes in the still burning flames and the pieces of metal scattered everywhere. The whole area is a dead zone, and Lelah struggles to breathe for a moment.

Jenny looks away to study Lelah's face.

Lelah stares back.

"How did you get out of that plane?"

Nick leans forward raising his eyebrows.

"I didn't," Lelah muttered before stealing Nick's shot.


Lelah ignores him making a face at the harsh burn.

Nick chuckles slapping her back and pouring her another.

"I'm so happy you're alive," Jenny says reaching for Lelah's hand. She squeezes. "I just don't see how. There's not a single scratch on your body."

Lelah squeezes back.

From behind Jenny, she sees the rotting Chris wink at her before disappearing.

'I don't think I am.'

"Can you get Lelah one of those fruity foo-foo drinks?" Nick said shaking his empty glass. "She can't handle whiskey."

Jenny raises an eyebrow but Lelah nods her head quickly asking for some peanuts too.

My Love Will Laugh With Me (Before Morning Comes)Where stories live. Discover now