Our Love is Invincible

Start from the beginning

She scoffed at his statement, rolling her eyes. "I did to cook." Erin moved over to where Jay was standing. "You just are the better cook."

"Maybe once every two weeks to cook spaghetti." Jay turned to flip the two eggs in the skillet. "And trust me, I know that. Besides your spaghetti, you can't cook anything." He winked, assuring her he was playing.

"That's not true!!" Erin walked over to him, hitting him playfully on the chest.

"Believe what you want Lindsay." Jay set the two eggs on separate plates, turning off the oven and removing the hash browns. He tossed them onto their plates, and putting a squirt of ketchup on the side.

"Thank you." Erin smiled, kissing his cheek before scooping a spoonful of eggs into her mouth.

"Anything for you." The both of them sat in a comfortable silence before Jay finally speaking up, rinsing his plate off in the sink. "Where do you want to start?" Jay asked, motioning to the apartment.

"Living room." Erin put their plates in the dishwasher, walking into their living room. "We're keeping my couch." Erin told Jay, who was completely fine with the decision.

"I can agree to that. Your couch has so many memories, I couldn't loose it." Jay smiled, all the nights of hard cases coming back to his mind.

"Let's do your tv though, we can move mine into our bedroom, and yours out here. It's bigger, so." Erin sat on the couch, Jay not far behind her.

"Your bed or mine?" Jay pondered. This was one of the most crucial decisions. His was a king, but so was Erin's. But she had memory foam. "Can we keep yours? I like the memory foam." 

"I think we can work something out." Erin winked, resting her head on Jay's shoulder, sighing. "Now lets tackle the kitchen." This would take hours.


Many hours and trips to Jay's apartment later the kitchen was complete. Four boxes were set aside in the corner, full of unneeded utensils, and other kitchen items.

"I think we did great. Safe to say we have the best kitchen in the city." Erin wiped her hands on the dishtowel, putting it back on the oven rack.

"Yeah, I think we have more kitchen shit than Target." Jay laughed, pulling Erin into his chest. "The start of a new chapter." He sighed.

Erin grinned, happy herself. She can't remember a time when she was this happy. "A chapter I have wanted since October 2014." Erin had wanted this since the day Jay saved her life for the first time.

"Breach!" Alvin breached into the door, his specialty.

The unit's current case was finding a murderer, who had went into a school and killed three people, and got away. The IU had been able to track him to this house on the outskirts of the city.

Once the door had been knocked down, Erin and Jay, who had only been partners for a mere four months, charged up the stairs, clearing door by door.

They had been through this process of searching a house with a possible offender in it hundreds of times, and had never made the mistake they would make one day.

They split up.

Erin walked into what appeared to be an office, looking at the wall filled with locations, dots, pictures of targets. This guy was psychotic.

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