What do I say?

21 0 5

I see you walk the halls
And I try to avoid your gaze.
As we pass one another time slows to a crawl
And you keep walking while I'm left in a daze.

I've seen you laugh,
I've seen you smile,
I've crossed your path
Over this schools every mile.

Yet we've never touched,
Smiled or waved hello
To my laptop bag I clutched
And you played my heart strings like a banjo.

My friends know, they see how I observe
But if we ever collided with each other
I'm not sure what good my mouth while serve
And I'll blabber nonsense from a mouth I want to smother.

No we've never spoken, despite how much I know,
I've read your posture and mood every day
Well enough to recognise every expression, so
What do I say?

Poems of mine (?)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora