Chapter Thirteen ~ Suspicion

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Evan was not discharged until the following morning, so Jonathan spent the night alone in their apartment. He checked the news hourly, paranoid that he left behind evidence at the crime scene. Jon usually has time to plan out his murders more carefully, but this particular incident was way more personal than the previous ones. Morning broke and there was still no sign that the anchormen had been discovered, so Jon felt safe enough to leave the comforts of his flat.

Evan greeted Jon with a broad smile. The nurse handed Jon various pain medications with instructions on when and how to take them. She also described how to change the dressings on his wounds, and warned him to bring Evan back if any infections arose. Evan dressed into the change of clothes Jon had brought for him, then they departed. Evan limped as he walked, the pain meds started to fade and the dull ache began to return.

"Jon, am I allowed to have any pills now? I haven't had any this morning," Evan asked.

"Of course, but you'll have to tough it out until lunch after that. According to this list, you can only have two every four hours," Jon replied, re-reading the list of written instructions. Evan checked the time on his phone, it was only 8:00 am. Once they were seated in Jon's car, Evan took the tablets. It was only a short journey back to their apartment, and they were just in time for the morning news.

Jon helped Evan clamber up the stairs, one arm secured around his waist and another holding Evan's left arm over his shoulder. Once inside, Jon sat Evan down on the couch and fetched some pillows for him to rest his feet on. Jon got some water and a bowl of chips for the two of them, and sat down next to Evan.

"How was your night without me? Boring?" Evan asked, glancing over at Jon.

"It was refreshing, not having you stomping around the joint," Jon laughed, "I got to relax."

"And do you use your left hand or right hand to do that?" Evan questioned, pretending to be intrigued.

"I like how you assume I only use one hand to do that." Jon smirked and sipped from his glass of water. Evan choked on the chips he was munching. He leaned forward to grab the TV remote as his face went bright red. He was definitely not imagining Jonathan in a compromising position. He clicked the power button on the remote and flicked to a random news program. They were finishing up a story on rising stock prices when the flashing lights of the breaking news segment came on.

"This just in, overnight police have found the bodies of Bryce McQuaid and Ryan O'Wrecker, the news anchors from Channel Five. They were defiled in a such a way that it would make even the most hardened war veterans flinch. Police reports describe the scene as 'covered in pools of blood', and it is written that Ryan O'Wreckers organs had partially been destroyed and removed. The letter D had been carved into both of the victims, identifying this as another work of the notorious Delirious. We will remember the day our two favourite anchormen were ripped from us before their time. Stay safe everyone, God bless America." The woman finished and cut to advertisement. Jon was as white as a sheet and Evan felt numb. It was McQuaid, the reporter, who had attacked him. But O'Wrecker?




"Those were the men who mugged me, and probably countless others, and they're remembered as heroes," Evan whispered. Jon still sat in silence, eyeing the memorial collage on the screen. Jonathan's phone was lying face up on the coffee table, and it lit up with a text.


Jon snatched his phone before Evan could fully comprehend the bizarre message.

"I have a phone call to make, I'll be back in a sec Ev." Jon quickly kissed him as he passed and disappeared around the corner into the bedroom. Evan collapsed in on himself, everything seemed to happen so quickly. The timing of everything was perfect. Too perfect. Something was a

Something clicked into place in Evan's mind. He darted for his phone and called someone he could always rely on.

"David, hello?"

"Evan, are ye feeling any better?" The Irish accented man boomed back.

"A little, but my state isn't the reason I rang. Could you pick me up from my apartment? The excuse for Jon is that Brock has urgent relationship drama and he needs me in person to calm him down," Evan pleaded.

"Wait, why are you trying to lie and get away from Jonathan?" Nogla asked.

"It's complicated, but I have a bad feeling. I'll explain it all when you get here. Basically, I think Jon knows or has connections to Delirious."


"What the fuck?!" Lui screamed over the phone.

"Subtly, what is it now?" Jon shot back.

"What the fuck is your problem? Killing those anchormen will not only get us international attention, but it will also increase the bounty on us," Lui argued, rage still coursing his voice.

"Calm down, you are overanalysing it," Jon tried to rationalise.

"This isn't what we fucking do! Not unless it's necessary, you know we only attack if-"

"Well someone had to do it!" Jon shouted. His breathing was the only thing heard over the phone line, Lui was stunned into silence. When not on a mission, Jonathan was a level headed person and rarely got angry.

"They- they attacked him, they attacked Evan. Do you think I was going to let that slide?" Jon whimpered, choking back sudden tears.

"I- I didn't know, I'm sorry," Lui uttered. When he said nothing more, Jon elaborated.

"They're thugs, they mug and assault people. I never even knew about them until Evan limped home muttering something about McQuaid. I knew what I had to do to protect him," Jon whispered. He had forgotten that Evan was only in the room next over.

"Listen, later tonight I'm going to Luke's to clear my head, then we'll figure out our next move. Bye." Jon hung up and walked back out to Evan, who was scrolling through Facebook.

"Who was it?" Evan asked, still looking down at his phone.

"Just Lui again, he was wondering debt. I owe a bit of money to him at the moment," Jon explained. Evan had only met Lui a couple of times, but he still recognised the name.

A knock echoed across the awkward silence. Jon opened the door and was greeted by a familiar, tall man.

"David, hi. Here for Evan?" Jon questioned, confused by his unannounced arrival.

"Yeah, uh, it's pretty urgent. Brock's going through some serious drama at the moment and we desperately need Evan to calm him down," Nogla painted a worried look across his face. Evan sat up in his chair, acting it up. He slowly stood up and hobbled over to Nogla.

"Fuck, I know what this is about. Catch you when this has blown over Jon." He quickly kissed Jon and left with Nogla. Once they were safely out of earshot Evan whispered, "I've never seen you act so well before".

"I told you I'm a man of many talents. Now, tell me about this suspicion."

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