Once everyone was done eating, Hunter pulled me towards the room and motioned for me to go and change. I frowned as he turned his back and threw his t-shirt on the floor. I made my way towards his closet and pulled out one of his white button up shirts and quickly stripped, pulling it over my head.

I picked up my dirty clothes and put them into the hamper. Turning around I noticed Hunter's eyes darken as he looked at me. "You look sexier in my clothes. I don't think anything else does you justice" he said softly, lust fully as he stepped towards me. I gulped as I noticed his eyes darken and felt my nipples harden by his intense look.

"Come here Kitten" He growled and I gulped as I noticed his erection straining against his jeans. Hesitantly I started to make my way towards him, only to have him pick me up and pushed me hard against a wall.

I moaned as his length rubbed my abdomen and his hands squeased my ass, making me wrap my legs around his waist. I threw my head back as I started to slowly grind against him, feeling my pussy cry out in need. I looked back at Hunter and groaned pulling him in for a kiss. I entangled my fingers in his hair, pulling him impossibly close as I sucked on his lower lip, causing him to growl.

He thrust his tongue inside of me and I moaned at the taste. His right hand, slowly let go of my ass as he squeased my breasts hard, making me moan and wither in pleasure. Hunter pulled his lips away from mine and I moaned as he kissed from my ear to neck.

"Mark me" I whispered as I arched my body further into him. Suddenly Hunter stiffened and pulled away. I looked at him, frowning as he took deep breaths to calm himself.

"Hunter?" I called out hesitantly wondering what wrong I had said. "Why are you asking me to mark you Kitten? Don't you know what it will do to you?" He growled and I flinched at the anger.

"I just thought you wanted to. I wanted to belong to you" I said quietly and wiped away the stray tears. Hunter sighed quietly and wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Don't you think I want to do the same? But you need to know everything about a mates mark before I do that to you"

Hunter pulled me towards the bed and I sat down, staring at him. Waiting for the explanation.

"When I bite you, within the next few weeks you will go into heat. All the males will go into a frenzy when they smell you. But, they won't touch you as you are their Alpha Female. When your in heat you will start to feel pain when you are away from me and I can make you feel better, by pleasing you sexually. The heat is the only time a werewolf's mate can get pregnant. As the full moon is nearing my wolf will go mad and demand that I mate you completely and if you are in heat, you can become pregnant" Hunter said gravely and I felt myself thinking about Hunter's child growing in my belly. Now I would have a part of him inside me.

"Don't most of the females become pregnant by 16?" I asked quietly and noticed Hunter nod. Was I willing to take the risk? Was I willing to be a mother? At such a young age?

But as I was a human and not a werewolf it could be possible that I won't become pregnant. I looked back at Hunter and slowly neared him on my knees. Settling myself comfortably on his lap, I straddled him and grinded my hips against his dick, making him throw his head back.

"I want you to mark me" I whispered, bending closer to him, whispering those words in his ear. I felt him shiver and smiled at myself.

Suddenly Hunter pushed me on my back, climbing on top of me. I noticed his eyes turn a weird black and I knew that his wolf was slowly taking over, but surprisingly I wasn't scared. I was just horny as fuck. I felt the wetness seep through my folds and drip down my thighs.

Hunter slowly bent his head, taking the fabric of the shirt in his mouth, before tearing it away completely, so that I was in front of him, completely naked. I blushed as he ran his eyes over my figure and tried to cover myself.

"Don't hide" He commanded and bent his head, taking one of my nipples in his mouth. I cried out in ecstasy and arched my body closer, wrapping my legs around his waist and meeting his thrust with my own. I cried out as the material of his jeans brushed my sensitive pussy and let my finger trail towards the buttons. Hunter growled and pushed my hand away, raising his face, and capturing my lips in a frenzy.

I moaned and whimpered as one of his hands pushed aside my folds and he thrust his fingers inside of me, causing me to scream. I bucked my hips trying to get closer, while burying my nails in his back.

His hands fondled my breasts while one hand thrust inside of me, bringing me to a realise. "Please mark me" I begged as I reached the edge. Suddenly he pulled back and I noticed his teeth elongated, before he bit my where my shoulder met my neck. I screamed and bucked my lips as I received the biggest orgasm of my life.

Hunter pulled his hand away from my pussy, causing me to protest. He pulled away from on top of me, licking my juices while I looked at him. I could feel my pussy throbbing and my shoulder hurting but I didn't care. I finally belonged to him.

Hunter shifted next to me, pulling me closer into his body, as he licked my neck, making me moan as I felt myself get wet again. I groaned in protest as he chuckled and closed my eyes, drifting into a blissful sleep.


So, what do you think? I am sorry for taking long but please do read the message on top!

Love you all!!

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P.S- someone can make me a cover?

In Love With The Alpha Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now