Chapter Two- New Day, New Friend.

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My stomach dropped as I saw Lydia walk by. She smiled at me, so I did the same.

"Hey Lydia, you look.. like you're gonna ignore me." Stiles made a face and looked at Scott, "You're the cause of this you know?"

"Uh huh."

"Dragging me down to your nerd depths." The bell rang and he continued. "I'm a nerd by association. I'm scarlet nerded by you. At least Isabel brings us up the food chain a little."


"As you all know, there was a dead body found in the woods last night," The teacher said.

Stiles winked at both me and Scott, and I shivered at the remembrance of the body. I felt like the eyes were staring into my soul.

"I'm sure your.. eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios to what happened. But, I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody."

I glanced at Stiles, and he put his hands up in confusion.

"Which means, you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on desk outlining this semester."

The whole class groaned, and I picked up the paper. It didn't seem too bad, just stuff about homework, tests, behavior. I don't talk in class-- I do my homework and study-- so it seems I should do fine in this class.

I could barely hear a phone ringing from outside, but Scott nearly jumped out of his seat. I looked at him and pointed at the girl sitting on a bench outside. He stared at her as if she was a million dollars.

Scotty boy's got a crush! I grinned to myself.

The door soon opened to the girl I pointed at, she looked beautiful. She had on black leggings, boots, a tan leather jacket, blue scarf, and a patterned t-shirt.

The principal came in and said, "Hello class, this our new student Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." I noticed her take the seat beside me, and Scott immediately hand her a pen. I grinned, nice flirting Scott.

She looked down at the pen weirdly but smiled, "Thanks."

I wiggled my eyebrows at Scott and he smiled and rolled his eyes at me.

I need to talk more this year, right? Oh, what the heck. I leaned over and said, "Hi, I'm Isabel. I really like your scarf."

I mentally facepalmed. Scarf? Really, Isabel?

She smiled and shook my hand.

Maybe scarfs aren't that bad.


The bell soon rang, and I rushed out of the classroom as the hall filled with people. I gulped and walked quickly to my locker, hoping to beat the senior guys to my locker. I turned a corner and saw I was too late. But I did need my books.

I decided on walking over there, putting my head down and I started putting the code in until someone grabbed me by the neck, turned me around and slammed me against the locker. I looked up to see who it was, great. Him again.

"Nice to see you again, mute bitch. When are you gonna start talking?" He grinned and slammed my face further into my locker.

That's gonna leave a nice and nasty bruise.

A teacher walked around the corner and he soon let go. Thank god. I quickly got my books out of my locker, slammed it, and ran away. I always just let it happen, I don't want to tattle-tale. And besides, I think there's a good part in everyone somewhere. Even them. I sort of felt bad for them, I mean, what if they just have family troubles at home? I couldn't stay mad at them, I'm just not that kind of person.

Shattered Wings ⇢ teen wolf // stiles stilinskiDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora