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Mackenzie Ziegler


"Today, my people, we will be sharing personal experiences." Mr Richard informs us. Everyone in the room groans simultaneously. Right now, I'm currently attending support group, and one of our curriculum studies is to 'face up to our problems'. Great. I love being put on the spot.

"So, newbies," He begins, "This is how it works. I'll bring up a topic, and everyone in the circle has to tell the group a personal experience that affiliates with that topic. Make sense?"

The two girls in the corner shake their heads. I sigh at their stupidity. Johnny pokes me in the side.

Johnny is my moral support and the reason I attend this group. I will begrudgingly admit that the program has helped me a lot but never would I ever say that to Johnny. He's determined to help me. I love that. It shows that he cares.

"Okay, for example, I might say... under eating perhaps. All you have to do is tell us a personal experience to do with under eating, say you had an anorexic friend, or you learnt about it at school, things like that." He booms in his canadian accent. "Understand now?"

"Yes." The blonde girl says in a meek voice. I smile at her.

That was me a few months ago.

"Okay, lets start then. The topic is... bullying. Would you like to start?" Mr Richard says to the blondie. At this my heart drops a little, and I wonder what I'll say. Not something too personal.

"Okay." She smiles weakly. "When I went to elementary school, there was a girl in my grade who picked on me a lot and called me names. I told my Mum and she got in trouble?" She finishes the statement in a question.

"Good." Mr Richard says approvingly. "Perfect example. Next!"

We all turn towards the next person in the circle.

Lily Chee.

Yes, the Lily Chee. After much protest, her parents are making her come here, just like mine are. (Johnny convinced them.) She starts to speak and I listen, rapt with what she has to say.

"Um... okay. Last school year, I had an awesome group of best friends; we did literally everything together. Over spring break, I learnt that my best friend in the group had decided she didn't like another girl in the group because of something petty like a boy." She starts. Johnny and I sit back a little, and he reassures me by rubbing my hand.

"Long story short, we cyberbullied her and in person too I guess. I- I always thought that we were going to get away with it, but one day I came home from school to find out she tried to commit suicide." She finishes remorsefully, voice cracking, sounding like she's going to cry. The whole room sits in a stunned silence, a few taking sharp intakes of breath. For once, Mr Richard seems at a loss for words.

"I felt so, so, so bad. What had started out as a big joke completely snowballed, and the worst thing is... I don't even know why I did it. I loved her, as a friend of course, and in bullying her I lost my best friends." She continues before stopping suddenly. "I'm sorry- I can't be here anymore." She breathes out, wiping her face and running towards the bathrooms.

"Wow, that was a deep story. Would anyone..." I hear Mr Richard start, but I zone out.

Without even noticing, we did exclude Nadia and Lily from our group. I also got so caught up in my own feelings, I didn't even stop to realise how much Lily might be hurting. I mean, by the way she sounded, she was more than upset, and sad. She was remorseful, and she completely owned up to what she did. That would take courage.

Johnny and I share a glance. He nods at the doorway, meaning for me to ho after her. "I'm on it." I whisper to him.

I interrupt Mr Richard's speech about self love and hate. "Excuse me Mr, do you mind if I..." I trail off, pointing in the direction Lily ran off to.

"Not at all." He says, and without further ado I rush off to the bathrooms.

When I step inside, I immediately hear someone crying. "Lily?" I ask.

"I'll be out in a second!" She calls out, the tears coming to an abrupt stop.

"No, no, it's fine." I say. "It's me, Kenz."

"Oh- oh. What are you doing here?" She sniffs.

"I came to see if you were alright." I tell her, leaning against the wall behind me.

"Why would you do that?" She asks. "I was nothing but mean to you."

"You might have been, but Lily, once upon a time we were best friends." I say sadly.

The sound of a door unlocking fills the now silent room, and a distraught looking Lily steps out of the end cubicle. I end up leaning back onto the sink.

"You shouldn't care." She says. "I was absolutely horrible to you."

"I know, I experienced it firsthand." I grimace. "Lily, you and Nadia weren't the reason why I decided to- well try end myself. You were one of the factors, but many other things in my life were spiralling out of control. You should never put that on your shoulders."

"Yes, I should." She sobs out loud.

See, this is a very important part of my life. In a few seconds, I could decide whether to leave Lily, to let her struggle just like I did, or I could stay, hug it out, try make amends, and be the better person. As much as I would like to let her suffer, I know it's in our best interests to make amends. Before I can speak, she beats me to it.

"I never really got the chance to apologise for all the things I said Mackenzie, and I hope you know that I am really, really, really sorry. I hope that one day you could forgive me but really I know that won't be soon."

"I forgive you." I say simply.

Her eyes almost bug out of her head. "What?"

"I said I forgive you." I say, offering a smile.

She manages a small smile back. "Are you sure?"

"Definitely." I say, starting forward and giving her a hug.

We stay close for a while and I wonder what'll happen next.

"You know, I wish Nadia could see this." Lily smiles through her tears. "She wouldn't believe her eyes."

I laugh. "She most definitely wouldn't."

This was the start of a new friendship.


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Hey guyssss !

Okay so I was super motivated to write this and I'm proud of how it turned out.

I think this chapter really does prove how far Mackenzie's come and how kind hearted she is. Not many people would take back lily like that !

If you liked this, make sure to vote (star) and leave a comment ! for the last time in this book,
i love u all xoxox

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