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(Joey POV)

Joey: there's no way in hell I'm going on that

Tyler: Quit being a baby.

I glared at him and stuck my tongue out at him.

Shane: come on baby please. For me?

He stuck out his lip and gave me his puppy dog eyes

I stared up at the freaking drop of death

Joey: uggggg! I really hate you sometimes


He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the line Tyler and Troye following behind. My chest was tight waiting for it to be our turn it felt like my stomach was in my chest. I bit my lip nervously.

Shane: baby it's just a ride its perfectly safe it's gonna be fun I promise.

The tight feeling relaxed a little bit but didn't go away completely. I squeezed Shane's hand as we sat down in the seats.

Shane looked over at me and smiled.

I smiled back weakly.

Shane leaned over and whispered

Shane: for being such an awesome boyfriend and going on this with me I have a special surprise for you later.

The intercom came on

Intercom: And up in 3...2...1

Up we went my legs swinging in the air. I looked down.

Joey: Shane! Holy freaking crap! Were up really hiiiiieeeeee! ahhhhhhhh!

Down we plummeted and then we stopped halfway down and went back up. And down again I was laughing now along with Shane.

I threw my hands up as we went down again. Wow this is great.We came to rest on the ground and we got out of our seats.

Shane had a big grin on his face.

Shane: I told you it would be fun.

Joey: That was so great!

I was so giddy with excitement that I kissed Shane right there. I pulled back blushing


He laughed

Shane: let's go

I gave a big grin today's gonna be great.


*5 hours later*

(Joeys POV)

Joey: We can't leave yet the fireworks are the best part it's just about to start.

Shane rolled his eyes

Shane: okay fine

We waited for 5 minutes and the first one burst into the sky.

(Shane's POV)

I watched his face as the colors burst across the sky. He looked so happy and carefree I wish it could be like this forever. I slid my hand in his and kissed him under the colorful sky.


(Shane's POV)

Tyler and Troye went home and I had just parked the car with a passed out Joey next to me. I took a look at his peaceful sleeping figure. All his features were softened his hair an unruly mess with all the wind that it suffered through today. He looked so innocent like he never had to go through any pain it broke my heart slightly. Ill make sure he never gets hurt again. I got out of the car and went to pick him up but I set him back down.

Shane: Ow! fuck!

I pulled up my sleeve my arm had started bleeding in some spots again

Great, let's try this again.

I picked him up again. Okay that's better. I got to the front door fuck how was I supposed to open it. I slid Joey further up against my chest. Ow ow ow fuck!

I finally managed to unlock the door and open it up and practically sprinted to the bedroom placing Joey gently on the bed. I fell to my knees biting back a yelp as my arm stung with pain. I rolled up my sleeve fuck more opened I went into the bathroom and grabbed some gauze and rolled it over my whole arm. I relaxed thank god it stopped hurting. I walked out and looked back out Joey who was sprawled out. Those skinny jeans cannot be comfortable so I went over there and took them off. well while I'm at it why not the shirt too. I walked into the closet put his clothes in the hamper and taking out my ninja turtle shirt and my plaid pj pants and got changed into those. then I went to go snuggle with Joey.


(Joeys POV)

I was in Shane and Lisa old apartment. How did I get here.

Joey:Shane! Shane?

Lisa:Shane's in the bedroom.

Joey: Lisa?! What are you doing here.

Lisa: I live here...you feeling okay?

Shane walked out and gave Lisa a kiss on the cheek.

Shane: hey Joey

Joey: wait hold on why did you just kiss her?

Shane: that's cause she's my girlfriend.

Joey: G-girlfriend?!

Shane: Ya...where have you been?

Joey: no...no you're dating me.

Shane: you?! why would I be dating you?! get out of here Joey!

Tears started stinging at my eyes and I ran out of the apartment I could barley see where I was going. I suddenly slipped and fell down the stairs.


(Joeys POV)

I bolted up thrashing around madly trying to catch my breath tears were streaming down my face. Shane sat up next to me.

Shane: what's wrong baby?

He pulled me closer to him.

It was just a nightmare. I wave of relief washed over me and I sunk into Shane.

Joey: it was just a nightmare. your still with me.

Shane: of course I'm still with you now go back to sleep.

I laid back down and wrapped my arms around Shane afraid that if I let go the dream would come back. I slowly sank back into a dream


I would have written more but this chapter would get REALLY long so I was like no new chapter tommarow :)

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