Chapter 1

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Entering the compound, cloaked and hooded, I make my way past the other hooded figures

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Entering the compound, cloaked and hooded, I make my way past the other hooded figures. Trying my best to ignore the murmurs, of the others in passing, I can't help picking up on a few words of disdain. The only female member of the league, i'm not highly regarded or respected.

Forced to become a perfectionist, by the Leagues overall prejudice of my sex, i've managed to become one of their best assassins. Training harder than the rest, i've successfully garnered a one hundred percent kill rate, with zero civilian casualties. I've earned the title of "Beta" Nova, only second to "Alpha" Khan, because he's male. I love my brother's in arms, and the League, but I grow tired of their male superiority complex.

The doors open to a large assembly of my peers, and to my utter outrage, i'm immediately manhandled and taken to the council. The doors shut with a resounding groan, as i'm forced to stand before them, my hood unceremoniously removed."Beta Nova, you've been summoned before us, due to allegations, that you've withheld information from us." Summoned, did they not see that I was just dragged before them? Letting my anger die down, I take a few deep breaths.

Trying to bring to memory, exactly what they're referring to, I take my time answering. "Beta, what do you have to say in your defense?" I remember now, Ben Solo. He's going to assassinate the League."I plead guilty." A loud murmur goes up. "Keep order in here!" Arro states. Seated before me, his eyes are fierce, but softens as they come back to me. My only ally, he campaigned for the league to take me in, due to his allegiance to my father.

"You were able to see the Leagues demise, and you refused to warn us. Is this true?" Silver, seated next to Arro asks. Accurately named for his long, lovely silver hair. Handsome chiseled face, athletic body, if he didn't hate me so much, i'd allow him into my bed. "I knew, but the boy can be converted back to the light. It's not too late." Silver quietly confers with Arro, who's eyes remain fixated on me. I can't help feeling, that i've let him down.

Silver, and Arro stand in unison, and the rest of the council follows suit. "For your act of treason, you're hereby labeled a traitor to the league, and stripped of your Beta title. In recompense, you're to jump to the future and assassinate Ben Solo." Silver states. "Successfully complete the mission, and you'll be welcomed back into the arms of the league, fail and you'll have your freedom, but not for long." Arro adds."

All in favor, Say aye." Silver says. A loud "Aye!" echos throughout the room simultaneously. Kill a boy, before he annihilates the League. "I can't agree to this." "But you will!" Arro's visibly upset, his body quaking with anger. "You'll go against all that you believe in, and you'll do as you're told. This is your chance, to prove your worth to the League."

"Haven't I already done that?" I say, just as hotly. "Do you accept the contract?" Silver inquires, tired of the discussion. If I don't, i'll be beheaded, what's a girl to do? "I accept." I say, with quiet acquiescence.


In my rooms, I contemplate my decision, Ben Solo will die, at my hands. Lying back on a quilt in front of the fireplace, I peer into the future again. He's with his uncle, Luke Skywalker. Training incessantly, with his light saber, tall, dark haired, handsome prominent features, that he's yet to grow into.

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