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"On their knees." A voice said above Chris. A black bag was over his head and all he heard was drilling and screams.

"Down." Gaurds roughly pushed them onto their knees.

"We take any losses?" A new voice asked.

"Not as many as they did, sir. I'm afraid I'm the only one left who's been cured. Some of the kids are still missing. If you'd like, I'll take a team in hazmats and sweep the other levels." Emerson said

"No. No more wasted lives. In forty-eight hours, we will all be on the ground. Take off their hoods." Chris' eyes took a moment to adjust but when they did he was horrified. The kids inside Mount Weather were chained up to the wall and being drilled in on a table.

"Dad?" Chris' head snapped over to a familiar voice.

"Nate!" (Can I just take a moment and say that this scene was too damn cute)

Mr. Miller  tried to stand, but was struck down by a guard

"She's next." They pointed to Raven.

"No. No. Take me. Don't touch her! Don't touch her!" Wick yelled out.

"Get off!" Raven struggled against the guards and they zapped her with an electric baton, making her go limp. Chris turned around not wanting to watch his friend getting drilled into.


"The command center is live." Monty's voice echoed through Bellamy's thoughts.The monitors show a camera feed from the dorms, Raven is still being drilled into for bone marrow. Bellamy's eyes went up to the screen and he saw Raven, and over in the corner was Chris.

Chris was pulling on his cuffs trying to break free. Guards went over to electrocute him.

"Oh, my god.Is that Raven?" Clarke breathed out


"Tell them to stop. Now." Bellamy demanded as Chris went limp.

"I won't do that." On the screen Chris kept fighting and thrashing around. Pain seared through out his body as he fell into unconsciousness.

When Chris woke, Abby was strapped onto the table. He looked around for a way to escape when Jasper was taken in. He had a murderous look on his face as he got chained up near Chris. Chris' face went into curiosity as Jasper slipped his handcuffs off. A knife fell from his sleeve into his hand as he walked forward to Kane. Suddenly everyone from the mountain started to wheeze and their skin  turned red.

"Jasper!" Chris yelled out as his friend suddenly ran out. Minute later Octavia came bursting into the room. Everyone shouted out from her to get the keys and free them.

Octavia went over to Chris and jumped onto his back to get his cuffs off.

"You sasquatch." She grunted unlocking the handcuffs. She jumped off giving him a smile. "Good to see your alive."

"I'd would have liked if you have a little more faith in me, Blake." Chris sent her a lazy smile leaning on the wall from some support.

Octavia left to help some that were still chained up. Bellamy rushed over to Chris engulfing him in a hug.

"Don't worry love, I'm not dead." Chris chuckled as Bellamy buried his head in the crook of his neck.

"I thought you were dead. Clarke said you weren't going to Tondc and I believed her, but then Raven said that you were there-- Never do that to me again." Bellamy breathed out. Chris held onto Bellamy's hands as he pulled him into kiss.

"We can go home, Bell."

"Wherever  you are is home."


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