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the one with a picnic

the one with a picnic

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Chris laughed as he laid in Bellamys chest. They were all stuck downstairs until Lexa came to get one of them out. Graham had told him that the people in the village would cut Raven. Each person would get a turn until sunrise where the Commander dives her sword through Ravens stomach.

"Please." Chris scoffed at Bellamy, "I could easily take you."

"Your funny." Bellamy wiped off a fake tear.

"I am hilarious." Chris rolled his eyes at Bellamy. "Still, I could beat your ass, but I won't. Because why hurt a pretty face?"

"Okay." Bellamy scoffed running his fingers through Christopher's hair. "You know something I just realized."


"We've never gone on a date." Bellamy said wide eyed.

"Woah... that's so true." Chris said sitting up. A devilish smirk appeared on his face. "What if," He drawled turning to Bellamy. "We go on a date right after this. After this whole thing in Tondc."

"I would love that." Bellamy laughed into a smile. He gave Chris a kiss, which had been interrupted by the female Griffins feud. Everyone turned there heads to the females before awkwardly looking at each other.

"Awkward." Chris whistled out to Kane who was a few yards away from Chris. Kane gave a small smile as did Bellamy as they heard Chris speak.

"Really Chris?" Bellamy asked.

"What?" Chris looked around with a guilty face and a smile. "Someone had to say it."


"Wait wait what are you doing?" Lincoln asks as the guards went to take Raven away.

"She didn't poison anyone!" Bellamy tried.

"I argued for all of you to die, but the Commander is merciful. She wants only one." Indra said.

"She's innocent." Lincoln protested.

"I don't care! They move they bleed!" Indra spat as she left. Guards pulled back octavia as she tried to get Raven.

"Well this sucks ass." Could be heard from behind. Everyone turned around, even the guard still in the room, to see Chris standing there with a hand on his hip. He was shaking his head looking off to where they took Raven. Everyone had a confused look on their faces. Grahams eyes were squinted and mouth agape as he looked over to Bellamy for an answer. Bellamy opened his mouth to say something but then closed it because he didn't have an answer.

"So," Chris clapped everyone out of their confused state, "How we gonna get Ray Ray back?"


"One of your people tried to kill you, Lexa. Not one of mine." Chris frowned. He had a whole plan and an escape route. He stood next to Amara with a pout as he grumbled incoherent words.

"You should have run." Indra growled.

"I can prove it."  Clarke stated grabbing the bottle of moonshine.

       "Explain." Lexa demanded.

"The poison wasn't in the bottle, it was in the cup." Clarke explained. She took off the lid off and chugged it. People gasped seeing her, not knowing it wasn't poisoned.

"It was you. He tested the cup, he searched Raven." Bellamy realized.

"Gustus would never harm me."

"You weren't the target, the alliance was." Bellamy explained.

"We didn't do this and you know it." Clarke said.

"You've been accused, Gustus. Speak true." Lexa demanded in her native tongue.

"This alliance would cost you your life heda. I could not let that happen." Gustus strongly stated.

"This treachery will cost you yours. Put him on the tree!"


"Guys! Listen to this!" Raven shouted to everyone.

"47 of us are trapped inside Mount Weather." Jasper said in the radio.

"Talk to him, say something." Clarke demands.

"It's repeating." Raven explained.

"We don't know how much time we have left, please hurry." It repeated.

"We need to do this now. We've got the alliance now is the time to use it." Bellamy stated.

"We need an inside man. You were right without someone on the inside to lower their defenses, turn off the acid fog an army's useless. You should go." Clarke nodded to her idea.

"I thought you hated that plan. That I would get myself killed." Bellamy said confused at Clarke's sudden agreement.

"I was being weak, it's worth the risk. My map of Mount Weather. Find a way to get on that radio and talk to us. Good luck." Clarke said and left. Chris frowned upon the idea. He zoned out thinking of all the problems.

"Let me show you what to look for." Raven snapped him out as she pulled Chris along.


Chris frowned as Raven left the tent. The two stood in silence before Bellamy spoke.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." He apologized.

"That's not what I'm mad at."

"Then what are you mad at?" Bellamy asked.

"I'm mad that your going to be take away from me." Chris deepened his frown.

"Hey, hey look at me." Bellamy lifted Christopher's head up to meet his. Bellamy rested his forehead against Chris'. "I will always come back to you. No matter what happens, your not losing me anytime soon."

"Your so cheesy." Chris laughed before kissing Bellamy. Their lips smacked against each other before Bellamy pulled away.

"Ah, well never get a chance to go on that day you want." Bellamy sighed.

"Well..." Chris gave Bellamy a cheeky smile and left the tent. Chris dragged Bellamy to a clearing in the forest.

There was a blanket on the ground with some lanterns around. Bellamy stood in silence with an unreadable expression. Christopher's face fell in worry seeing Bellamy.

"Oh my god... is it too much. Not enough? I -- I could do something else. We can --" Bellamy cut Chris off with a kiss.

"It's perfect."


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