"I'll leave today since I already talk about it with you. Take care of yourself"

"Ok, can I hug and kiss you for the last time?"

"Sure" Taeyeon move to the couch where Jessica sit then he fulfill her last wish

After that, Taeyeon get all his belonging and leave the house without turning back. Jessica cried her heart out after Taeyeon leave.


It has been 3 days since they broke up and Jessica doesn't bother to go to work. Taeyeon also resign from the company and nowhere to be found. Hyoyeon, Jessica best friend and work together with her tried to reach Jessica since their department need her. Hyoyeon looked for Taeyeon at his department but the staff there said that he's resign. She felt something wrong and call Tiffany to meet with her

"Fany-ah" Hyoyeon said as she sits at the coffee shop where Tiffany waits for her

"Why did you look worry? Is there something wrong?" Tiffany asked

"Do you know where Sica is now? She's not come to office since 3 days ago"

"Eh, why don't you ask Taeyeon? 3 of you work at same company" Tiffany frown

"The staff at his department said he's resigned 2 days ago, that why I wonder why he suddenly resign and Jessica also can't be reach"

"Oh God, that's so weird. I think we should ask Soojung" Tiffany said and Hyoyeon agreed. Tiffany call the younger Jung

'Hello unnie' – Krystal

'Soojungie, where are you now?' – Tiffany

'I'm at Smart Bookstore now' – Krystal

'Oh, I want to see you now. Can you come to Blue Coffee Shop now, can you come?' – Tiffany

'Sure, it was not far from this bookstore. Who're with you there unnie?' – Krystal

'I'm with Hyoyeon. Come here faster, ok?' – Tiffany

'Ok unnie' – Krystal

They wait for Krystal to come and she show up 10 minutes later

"Hey unnie" Krystal seat beside Tiffany and catch her breath. She drinks all Tiffany ice latte and Tiffany glare at her

"Yah, that is my drink" Tiffany said loudly

"Sorry unnie, I'm really thirsty" Krystal grins innocently and hugged Tiffany arm

"Ayy this Soojung, you really want to get it from me" Tiffany groan

"Unnie, why did you two want to see me like there is something wrong?" Krystal change the topics

"Do you know where Jessica is?" Hyoyeon asked

"Eh? Why did you suddenly ask about her at me? Don't you work together?"

"Ayy Soojung, if I know where she is of course I'll not ask you" Hyoyeon glare at the younger Jung

"Why didn't ask Taeyeon oppa?"

"That was the problem now. He's resign 2 days ago and Jessica not comes since 3 days"

"Aigoo, that's weird" Krystal scratches her chin

"Did she contact you lately?" Tiffany asked the younger girl

"No, I don't keep in touch with her since last month because I'm busy with my final year project"

"Is there something wrong between them?" Hyoyeon wondering

Taengsic Story CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora