"What's your name?" Goku asked reaching up and placing a hand behind his head.

"Drakna, I'm a second generation Saiyan colonist. After our home world Vegeta was destroyed a small group of survivors started a colony and we govern ourselves. I was born several years after the planet was originally destroyed," the man explained looking at each person as he spoke but lingering on Pan far longer than the others.

"Dad," Trunks called out to his father. Vegeta had remained strangely silent and had his arms tensely crossed his chest.

"Boy, are you by any chance related to a Saiyan by the name of Tora?" Vegeta asked after a minute causing the new visitor Drakna's eyes to widen as he turned his attention away from Pan and to the slightly shorter man.

"Tora was my uncle. I never met him since he was killed long before I was born, but he was my mother's brother. How do you know that name?" Drakna asked looking wearily towards the older man.

"Vegeta?" Goku asked noticing that there must have been something that he was missing.

"He looks too much like that man not to be related. Tora was one of your father's friends, Kakarot," Vegeta replied. Drakna drew silent and started to pay more attention to the older Saiyans.

"Kakarot? Vegeta? Why is your name the name of our prince?" the man asked after a pause.

Vegeta didn't say anything but instead turned to look at the other man who looked him over finally realizing that he was indeed the only child of King Vegeta the last reigning ruler of Planet Vegeta. The man looking ashamed at not figuring it out earlier dropped to his knee and brought his hand in a fist to his chest as he kneeled out of respect to Vegeta. Vegeta nodded in returned and signal for the man to rise turning to look at his son with a smirk. Pan laughed out loud when Trunks sent her a message saying, 'great there's going to be no living with him now.'

"What brings you to our planet, Drakna?" Gohan asked noticing that the stranger had once again turned his attention towards Pan.

"I am trying to find the saviors of Namek. I am being followed to this planet by a creature that has tried to enslave the universe. This creature has been trying to attack and overtake our colony for the past few years, but we have held strong until recently. Inside the colony our warriors have become restless and want to take the battle away from the colony, but that has caused a break in our defense. This creature has attacked us in the past several years ago, but after a lengthy dormancy the attack has renewed. This being is very powerful and has abilities I do not understand. They have an army of followers who do his bidding. I come to this planet in search of aide to help end the tyranny before your world becomes ensnared," Drakna spoke, sounding as if everything was dire.

"Who is this man?" Pan asked unable to keep her curiosity at bay.

"The name is treated like a curse on my planet and I fear that speaking it might bring his even faster," Drakna said smiling gently at Pan causing Trunks to shift uncomfortably closer to her.

"So our Namek friends told you to come to Earth and search us out. Too bad Piccolo's not here. I think he would love to know how his friends are doing," Goku started rambling.

"Kakarot," Vegeta interjected with a glare at his fellow Saiyan, "I think there might be more important matters to discuss. Why do you think this creature is following you here?" Vegeta asked turning his attention back to Drakna.

"I know that I'm being followed. I am considered the strongest warrior on my colony and I know that this being is stronger," Drakna replied and then looked around at the gather group questioningly, "Forgive me but what are your names?"

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