Returning to the Sakamaki Manor

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Hermine's POV

i know its kinda hard that i'm in with Yui...i hate her...she is my worse enemy....i don't like her anyway.."were here miss Chu"the driver said i went out of the limousine i looked at the gate,"i'm finally here...."is said in a emotionless tone until it started to rain i then bring out a umbrella i then breathe in and breathe out the rain drops turned into ice,"it this...everything turns into ice" i thought i then felt someone was in the house i then opened the door,i was dark the chandelier was hanging."what...a waste of time..."i said in a deadpan voice,"hello is someone here?"i then recognize that voice,"well hello,dear big sister its been a while we haven't seen each other"i said to the girl in the stairs,"Hermine,what are you doing here"she said,"why,someone send me this location where im gonna live now and this is the place idiot!?"i thought,i then heard another familiar voice,"Hey,pancake whats all the commotion i need your blo-"he then stopped and looked at me,"Hi...Ayato kun"i said in shy tone,"well who is back!!"he shouted and teleport in front of me,"your still that shy girl as i remember..."he said putting his hand on my head,"ayato whats all the commotion"a male voice said,"Hey Reiji,guess who is gonna live with us"Ayato kun said,"welcome back miss chu im glad that you are back"reiji kun said,i didnt spoke but stare at them,"what are they talking about even if im back they just gonna look up at yui"i thought while looking at them,"hey pancake i need your blood"he then looked at yui and grabbed her hand,"ok ayato don't rush it"Yui said,"she is so dramatic,"It is so soon you have returned back to our mansion,Trouble maker"reiji said glaring at me,"and this is why i dont wanna come back to this place in the first place"i thought,"well atleast your back i needed someone to help me with my experiments anyways"he said pusihing his glasses,"shall...we go to...the living room so....we can decuss it there?"i said in a shy tone as always,"at least you still have that mannerful side of yours yes follow me"Reiji said,We arrived at the living room where yui is sitting and glaring at me,"So Hermine what brings you here anyways~"she said to me,i feel disgusted by her look at me,"None of your business Pancake"i said Roasting her with her own nickname,"Fufu~looks who's back~"a seductive voice said i then felt someone behind me with arms wrapping around my neck,"Laito kun....that isnt man like to greet people you just reunion with"i said strictly to him,"eh...she still have that side, for a small girl you got some skills"he said patting my head,"geez stop that"i said annoyed,"welcome back Hermine San"it was my favorite among the triplets Kanato,"Hello...kanato kun i have sweets for you from Tokyo"i said handing him a bag of sweets,"Thank you"he said with a innocent smile,i then stand up and walked to the window and as i was about to see the moon someone behind me covered my eyes,"Oi....Subaru....San"i said,"Be quiet i was waiting gor your return geez,hows tokyo"He asked," always"i said in a shy tone.........

Yui's POV

"Why is she here!?"i said glaring at her and subaru,"So why are you here?"i said sarcasticly to her,she didnt reply,"Oh c'-","yui thats enough you don't wanna annoy her"Reiji san said,"i always annoy her and she used to it"i replied(Kaen:You Idiotic mother fucking bitch really-o-,Yui:shut up Kaen!,Kaen:oh please im the writer and im gonna write this so dont do your own lines you Piece of board,*yui in the corner of the room in shame of the Roast*),"but still you dont wanna annou her more pancake her bad side is pretty scary so we have to respect her"Ayato kun said,"Why do you guys like her over me!"i said pouting,"she is a childhood friend of ours and the girl who lives with us before"Shu san said at the corner of the room laying in the couch,"Its see you...... Hermine"shu san said,hermine bowed and nodded,"she talked to me before but why she doesnt talk to the brothers oh well im just gonna do what im gonna do"i said i then went up to her,"Hey!Are you listening to me!you should leave now!"i shouted at her,she breathe in and breathe out i then felt myself frozen....

Hermine's POV

"Did...i froze....her?"i asked the brothers they nodded," old room....see you in school then..."i said leavong the brothers in the room,"my day is gonna be ruined tomorrow cause is sense something is gonna happen"i said closing my eyes....

As my day will start tomorrow...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2017 ⏰

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