Hermine Nicole Chu

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Romanji: Hermine Nicole Chu


also known as:








Blood type:O+

hair color:Light Gray

Eye Color:blue


Seiji Komori(Adopted Father)

Yui Komori(Adopted Older Sister)

Karl Heinz(Uncle)


Ruby Rosette Chu(Deceased Mother)

Raynold Chu(Deceased Father)


Hermine is a Ordinary teenager with light gray hair and blue eyes,she often wears hoodies due to hiding the scars from the past....she wears a light fray hoodie and dark gray strips and a black and white shirt inside,she wears a pair of head sets and the mp3 is attach on her left side of her hoodie and she wears long black socks and black and white tennis shoes.

Her uniform

she wears a white hoodie with the hood part is dark green,black jeans and black and white shoes.


She is a shy type of person and doesn't talk to anyone,she is a little clumsy into things but very intelligent,rumors have it she loves pain and cuts her wrist or arms and that makes 'art' in her eyes...she can be a little arrogant to others especially yui,she has this elegent and mannerful side where she usually talk about how the human and vampire race started..


Hermine Nicole Chu was born in the demon realm,Ruby was 20 years old when she gave birth to Hermine,at that time a war between demons and vampires was ongoing  so ruby and raynold decide to give karl heinz the child, a few months later ruby and raynold died at war.....that night richter took hermine and gave it to seiji a vampire hunter and a priest at a church.she arrived at the church at the age of 10 due to karl heinz lrtting her stay in the demon realm until she is ol enough to leave,then she met the sakamaki family....she was very close to the tripets and the other brothers what she adores the most was Cordellia,she was the one who really takes care of her but when she have to leave....things changed,,,,then she met yui.....the girl who is about or what she is gonna call....big sister..



she can fly anytime


she is very good at swords and knifes because Richter teach her at a young age


Aerokinesis-Manipulate the air,wind and gas

Aeroportation-Teleport using air/wind currents

Space- time manipulation-manipulate either space or the concept of time

Cosmic manipulation-manipulate the aspects of space

Atmokinesis-control and manipulate the weather by mixing water,ice,earth,air, and lightning/electricity

Freezing breath-freeze things in solid ice


1.She is DO-S(Extreme Sadist)but doesn't show it unless its necessary

2.she is called Seira meaning (holy and good)

3.she is very close to Richter at the age of 6 yrs old......and happens to be her favorite uncle

4.she considers karl heinz as er new father

5.she hates sour sweets

6.she drinks tea or herbal tea instead of blood

7.her hair was inherited by the dark gray clothes surrounding the blood moon when she was born her hair was suppose to be brown like her mother but intead it turned gray

8.She has a hatred on yui(you'll see why)

So Guys i hope you guys love this story so the updates may be slow so dont worry author san will try her best to update....

until then..

See you~

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