"My men Chase, Jay, Lucas, and Easton are by the doors. Wasn't the guy waiting for Jasmine there, Cherry?" I asked.

Cheryl thought about what I said for a moment before saying, "Yeah, you're right. I was just telling those boys not to let anyone in without an invitation card, and that's when that guy came and asked for Jasmine. I told the boys to watch over the man while I went back in to get Jasmine, and that was the last time I saw her."

"Well, let's ask them," I say as Cheryl, Jane, Arson and I left the room and headed outside to ask my men about Jasmine, only to see Jay gone, Lucas covered in blood and Chase and Easton were covered in dirt.

What the hell happened here?


Jasmine's POV

As I slowly opened my eyes and look around, I notice myself inside a very lavish hotel bedroom. In front of me, there was a cream colored television stand with a tv placed right on top. On my left, there were two white chairs placed in front of each other, and to complete the look was a window which showed a beautiful view of downtown Toronto, including the CN Tower. On my right was the washroom and beside the tv, there was an open doorway that led to another room. I got up from the bed to check it out and I was surprised.

The living room had a beautiful golden cream colored three seat sofa topped with fancy pillows on either side. Above the sofa was a large painting hanged, and beside that was a floor-to-ceiling glass window that showed off the view of downtown perfectly. On either side of the window were gold curtains; in front of the window were two gold cream chars topped off with a fancy pillow as well. Beside the three seat sofa and one of the chairs was a dark table that held a tall lamp which illuminated the room along with the pot lights on the wall above. In front of the sofa and chairs was a square white table with gold lining, and underneath was a rectangular brown and white rug. In front of the white coffee table was a glass table which held different types of decor and flowers to showcase.

Both rooms had Rich African Anigre wood millwork and wood flooring throughout with beautiful area rugs, creating a lavish look.

Overall, this place looked highly expensive because of the fancy furnishings surrounding me and because of how large it is.

My only question is that how did I get here? All I remember was myself slow dancing with Austin when Cheryl came up to us and told me that there was somebody waiting for me outside the doors, so I went to check on that

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My only question is that how did I get here? All I remember was myself slow dancing with Austin when Cheryl came up to us and told me that there was somebody waiting for me outside the doors, so I went to check on that. As soon as I got there, something didn't feel right to me, as if something was wrong with this man wearing black.

Before I was even about to question him anything, he grabbed me by my arm and placed a knife under my neck, warning Austin's four men who were guarding the doors not to take a step closer and not to go inside to inform anybody. Jay walked towards us and tried to save me, but ended up getting stabbed in the stomach. As I shouted and screamed for help, the man took me towards his car while Lucas was taking care of Jay, and Chase and Easton were running after us as the man pushed me inside the car, got in the passenger seat and the driver drove off abruptly. I saw Chase and Easton running after us, but they failed to catch up and ended up tripping and getting themselves dirty.

What I didn't realize that there were two other men in the car excluding the man who kidnapped me and the driver.

"Who are you people?" I asked, my voice trembling. "What do you want from me?"

"You'll find out soon, babe." The guy who was driving said.

"Do you guys have any idea what you're doing? My boyfriend won't spare you if he finds out about this."

The guy on my right chuckled before saying, "Don't worry, gorgeous. Nobody will ever know about this."And with that, a piece of fabric that consisted some drug was put right on my face as I began to lose my consciousness, my eye lids closing slowly.

I wasn't aware of what happened after they drugged me. And now, I'm in some luxurious hotel room that I don't know who booked and for what reason. I just want to get out of here and return back to Violet's party. I then began searching for my phone so that I could call Austin since he must be worried sick about me. Since I couldn't find it in the living room, I went into the bedroom and searched for it.

Where the hell is my damn phone?

Just then, I hear the door creak open and footsteps started making its way closer into the bedroom. The atmosphere in the room transformed from calmness into something that didn't feel right. My feet started shaking, my heart started beating rapidly as fear built up inside of me.

I had a very bad feeling of this person's presence behind me.

I gulped, took a deep breath and slowly turned around. My heart practically skipped a beat when I saw who this person was, leaning against the wall with its arms crossed over its chest, grinning at me like I was the most interesting thing in the world.

Anger, confusion, uneasiness, and curiousness flooded inside me as I kept staring at this person.

I can't believe it.

It was him.


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