Chapter One.

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Dark hair fanning the pillow, legs tangled and wrinkled white sheet pooled around the waist.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, I pushed the sheet away from me and sat up, trying not to make a sound. The last thing I wanted and needed was this guy waking up and expecting another round. Not that I would decline but I was tired as hell and just wanted my bed.

"Baby, where are you going?" He murmured, his sleepy voice not turning me on one bit.

I cursed under my breath, trying to think of a quick lie. "Uh, I'm just heading to the bathroom, go to bed baby." He grunted in answer and went back to sleep.

I hurriedly got dressed and raced out of his house, shutting the door as quietly as I could. I ran down the porch and literally jumped into my car. I was not wasting any time. I pulled away and sped down the road, letting out a deep breath.

Worst case scenario would have been for him to wake up to want to have sex again and then ask me to sleep over. Sleep overs were a big ass no-no.

Sleeping in somebody else's bed after sex made me feel weird. Hell no was I ever going to do that until I got married. Which was definitely not anytime soon.

The drive home was quick and I didn't wait to jump into bed and fall straight asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

The next morning, I was awakened by the shrill sound of my alarm clock, reminding me that I had to remember to turn the damn thing off on the weekends. I stretched when I stood up, smiling at the sweet aches I felt in all of the right places. After a quick shower, I changed into a pair of coral wide leg trousers and paired it with my sleeveless white sheer blouse. Once I had finished getting ready, I decided to check my messages.

'5 new messages.'

Rolling my eyes, I reached for a pen and some paper just in case I would have to record anything. "Hey Olivia, it's Frank... From the all black charity even last week. I was wondering-." I didn't hesitate to press delete. This was dear Franklin's fifth time calling and frankly, I was getting tired of it.

"Ms Cooper, we loved the work you did for us at my husband's birthday party and I wanted to discuss another upcoming event with you. If you could call me back on this number, I would appreciate it." She then went on to recite her number and I scribbled it down before moving on.

"OLIVE! Don't forget brunch on Sunday! Alex and I are not going to drive all the way to Phoenix for you not to show up!" The sound of my cousin Mya's voice made me remember that I was running slightly late to our brunch date. I heard the crying of a child and knew that it was Alex and Jason's 3 year old son. "Jeremiah, honey, don't play with that, it's dangerous! Look Olive, just be there alright?" She hung up the phone and I moved onto the next message.

"Olivia, hi, it's Kyle. You ran out pretty quick last night and I didn't get a chance to ask you whether you would be up for a date tonight. Just call me." I was not going to call him for a 'date'. Kyle knew that it was strictly sex between us from the get go but lately he had been trying to change that. Trying to get into a relationship. I wouldn't mind if he was actually the type of guy I could picture myself falling for.

"Hey Liv." I heard a sniff through the phone right after I recognised the voice as my best friend Althea's. "Marcus and I just got back from our appointment and," she sighed, "it failed... Again. If you're not busy, I could really just use one of our comfort days. You know where I live." The message ended and I frowned, feeling nothing but sympathy for my friend and her husband.

At 33 and 35 years old, they had been trying for a baby for the past 5 years and yet nothing had been happening. They were running out of options and fast. They didn't want to adopt and IVF seemed to not have been working.

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