Chapter 28-"I do."

Start from the beginning

"Sure what ever beautiful." I smiled.

"I have a boyfriend." She replied seriously. That's my girl, at least I know she's faithful.

"I know what's he like?" I asked her.

"He's cute. He does this thing with his lip when he's nervous and it makes me want to rip all his clothes off." She giggled.

"Oh, ditto, what else does he do." I asked her.

"He's really strong and he scares me when he yells." She whimpered, I felt my heart sink.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because Alec used to yell, over and over, he'd say I never so shit right, he'd hit me and...I was terrified of what he'll do, he didn't do anything like force me into something just beat me up and sometimes I see the same look in Luke's eyes and I'm sure it's pure hatred." She started crying and I grabbed her, wiping my own tears. I couldn't hate her even if I had to, I couldn't.

"He doesn't hate you! He loves you! You're gonna get married." I told her and she stopped crying.

"We're gonna be married and have cute little children!" She giggled, I nodded and took her to bed.

"Luke?" Ashton's voice called.

"ASHTON! ASH! ASHY! ASHY-POO!" Lily giggled, Ashton came in and gave me a weird look.

"Tobie." I spat before tucking her in bed.

"Oh, you want me to stay with her?" He asked.

"If you want." I replied.

"I'd love too." He smiled.

"Thanks Ashton." I smiled, he sat beside her and I waited till she was asleep.

"K Ashton, the stylist has all her stuff, if she's sick hold her upright, don't let her down and smooth her back and sing to her." I told him, he nodded and I left, heading back to my two drunk best friends.

Lily's P.O.V

I groaned as I woke up, my head was banging and I could literally feel my heart beat. I turned and came face to face with a shirtless Ashton. I screamed and fell out of the bed, Ashton jumped awake and I stared at him.

"We didn't," I gestured to the bed and then between us. "Did we?" I asked him.

"OH GOD NO!" He laughed.

"Thank fuck for that, for a moment there I thought-OH MY GOD I'M GETTING MARRIED!" I screamed, Ashton laughed and my head banged.

"Hey, calm down." he laughed.

"What time is it?" I asked him, he pulled out his phone and gasped.

"20 past noon."

"OH MY GOD! THE STYLIST WILL BE HERE IN 10 MINUTES!" I screamed running downstairs.

It's the middle of winter and my dream wedding is a beach wedding, Luke's dream wedding is a snow wedding, put the two together and you have snowy beach wedding.

Ashton came downstairs and grabbed something to eat, I didn't want to eat so I sat waiting for the stylist, Lou. The doorbell went and I fell off my chair, I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." She smiled back.

"Ready Miss Rivers?" She asked and I nodded, I sat down and she began.

I sat quietly while the stylist did my makeup and hair, she had just done my nails and I must admit they were very pretty. They were like a sparkly white and I loved them, I think I’ll get them done permanently like this. I smiled as the stylist pulled away.

Let Me In. (Luke  Hemmings) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now