Chapter 24-"I'll always love you Luke Hemmings."

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"WAHHHHH!" Tyler screamed, I groaned and rolled out of bed. I walked into the twins' room and picked Tyler up. I nursed him gently while singing some song, probably my own lyrics, I was that tired. Once he was quiet and nursed him till he fell back to sleep. I placed him down in the cot and tucked him in, I checked on Ava before closing the door and walking out.

I went to that bathroom and did my business before washing my hands, I turned and just as I was about to leave, I saw the box. THE box. I sighed and rolled up my sleeves, the lines were writing across my arms. The redder ones from last night shone bright against my pale skin. 

It's been 2 months since Luke's gone, it's just been Christmas and I'm officially 18. I'm still single and I'm still suicidal. Every night I've argued with myself whether I should do it or not, every night, the twins cry for love. I couldn't leave them like my parents left me. I climbed back into bed and slowly closed my eyes. I slowly drifted to sleep.


I stood at the back watching as the love of my life committed his love to some random girl. I stood watching as he smiled deeply into her eyes. He slid the ring onto her finger and she did the same for him.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest smiled.

Luke leaned in and his lips met the blondes, their lips moved together fast and he pulled away, the walked down the aisle and everyone threw confetti, the blonde giggled and Luke pulled her outside, they walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. Luke smiled and grabbed her tiny waist.

"I love you." Luke told her.

"Even more then Lily?" She asked.

"Way more then Lily." He smiled, kissing her lips.

They went to their honeymoon and somehow I was following them.

Luke pushed her inside the tiny house and I stood watching them from outside. She pulled off his shirt and kissed down his neck, my heart broke and he moaned loudly. He slowly undid her dress and I turned away. It began raining as I ran away, tears fell from my eyes as the ever growing heartache filled my chest.

"He never loved you. It was all a lie." I told myself, I came to the bridge and I just threw myself off. I just fell and I fell for what seemed like eternity. Finally I saw the floor and I hit it.


 I stood up and walked into the bathroom, I splashed my face with cold water and took a deep breath.

"Pull yourself together Lily, this is pathetic." I told myself. I looked in the mirror and it was clear I wasn't sleeping. My eyes were dark and dull, my face was pale and dragged. I had no motivation to do anything, I have no energy anymore, I turn up to work late everyday because I spend the maximum of 4 hours laying in bed trying to pry myself out of bed.

There's no point.

My phone rang and I picked it up.

"Hey?" I asked, already knowing it was Tobie.

"Hey, I'm picking you up in 10 minutes be ready." He told me.

"Ugh, Tobe, I don't want to work today." I whined.

"Get ready now Lily." He demanded.

"Ugh, whatever." I replied hanging up. I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes.

Let Me In. (Luke  Hemmings) *COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon