Maka couldn't help but giggle. "It is quite alright." She said as he finished.

"Would you like me to close up your dress as well, Maka?" He offered.

She nodded and he obeyed, his fingers carefully closing up her dress.

"Thank you very much, Soul." Maka said with a smile as she turned to him.

Soul grinned at her. "Not a problem, Maka. Just please do not tell your father that I assisted you in getting dressed this morning." He added with a smirk. "Or else he would have my head."

Maka rolled her eyes as Soul offered his arm out to her, which she accepted, and he escorted her out of the room. Maka grabbed her book before leaving, and the two made their way downstairs.


After breakfast, Maka sat in the living room, once more reading her book. Soul was cleaning up in the dining room as she read.

She held the large book in her hands, the leather cover soft against her skin. The book was held up to her face as she bit her lip, a habit she has when she's reading.

Soul entered the room and bowed to Maka. "What would you like to do today?" He asked with a smile.

Grinning, Maka stood up and walked over to Soul, who offered his arm once again. She took it, cradling her book to her chest as the two talked and walked out to the garden.


One of the things Soul admired about Maka was her personality and intellect. Her father is a high member in Lord Death's court, meaning that the Albarn family was able to live their life in luxury.

However, despite all this, Maka was still a humble woman. Even though she was privileged, she was definitely not spoiled. She did not care for the latest designs and dresses, instead she opted more into developing herself as a human being.

"So, what is it you are reading?" Soul asked, giving a pointed look at the book in her possession.

Maka smiled, clutching the book to her chest. "Pride and Prejudice." She replied proudly.

"My, what a book." He commented.

"Have you read it?"

"Yes, My Lady, quite an amazing story, don't you think?"

"Anyways," Maka started. "How have you been, Soul?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Do forgive me for intruding, but how have you been?" She asked once more.

Soul let out a sigh. He knew Maka knows about his situation.

Just like Maka, Soul was born into a wealthy family, the Evans. However, since his parents did not care for him as much as they did his older brother, Wes, they sent him away at age eight to work for Lord Death as an offering.

Lord Death pitied Soul. Instead of having him work for him, Lord Death sent Soul to work for the Albarn family, knowing they had a daughter about his age who could keep him company. He made it so that the two would grow up together and befriend his son, Death the Kid.

"It's been eight years since I last saw my family, Maka." Soul said. "But I am glad to be here serving you." He told her with a smile.

"Yes but," she interjected. "In no means am I trying to offend you, but you are a servant. Does that not make you unhappy, when you were originally born of wealth?"

"Lord Death is a kind man." Soul told her. "He made it so that I will still receive my parents' inheritance when I become of age when they passed away a few years ago. Lord Death even ensured that I will live comfortably under his command, and is still paying for my schooling."

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