Chapter 1

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Today has been such a long day I want to just sit here and talk to my best friend. I have not been able to sleep because I overthink and I stress over things I shouldn't.

Tonight I am going to be having a party with my best friend on Facebook. I don't want to deal with people right now but I can deal with her. Of course as I press the call button my brother and his friend decided to be the loudest people on earth. They really want to try me. I am not in the mood today I will smack someone if I really need to. Since my mother is at work my brother thinks he can do whatever he wants. Just because my mother is gone does not mean he can do what he wants. I tell Becca that she should just come over instead because I need someone to talk to that won't annoy me in this house. Plus I can take her to school with me instead of having to go pick her up at her house. Her mom loves me so I know she will not care if she comes over on a school night. I made sure it was okay with Becca's mom first before I had Jake go get her. I am making him go get her because I don't feel like driving this late at night and I am pulling the lazy card.

I stayed in my room till Becca came because I did not want to deal with my brothers best friend because I know how he is and his favorite thing to do is tickle me and pick on me. So I rather not deal with it. Becca walks into my room like she owns the place which I thought was pretty funny. She had all her crap with her like she was going on a five day trip and she is only spending the one night that I know of but, I really never know with her. Sometimes she will stay a night or she will stay two weeks so I never know.

We talk about a boys because who wouldn't. She cracks me up sometimes because she picks the weirdest people to like but, I try not to judge because I have liked some people that are so weird.

We talked about our future she wants to have a kid young she doesn't want to wait that long to have kids because she doesn't want to be old when she has a kid. I want a kid young but I want to wait till I graduate from college because I truly want to be financially stable when I have a kid and be with a person that I want to be with. My current boyfriend I don't believe will be my forever boyfriend. I told her that I think that he is using me but, I don't want to break up with him if he isn't using me. I really love him but, I don't think he feels the hundred percent feels the same and it makes me cry some days. Life is life so I have to get over it and if I still feel that way I will eventually just break up with him because it is not worth the constant worrying that he doesn't love me the way that I love him.

We talked, laughed, and even cry for the rest of the night.

This morning

I am trying to get my ass out of this bed but it is really hard when you have your best friend hugging you as tight as they can. We stayed up way later than we probably should have because we have to get up so early. We had to get up earlier because we wanted to look nice today. Jake decided him and his best friend was going to stay up till almost 2 am playing music so loud I almost took something and throw it at his head but, being the nice sister I am I didn't do that. Once both of us finally go to sleep we probably only slept for maybe two or three hours. I think both of us are going to end up falling asleep in class but, the teachers can deal with it or I might get mad I need some sleep. Once Becca loosens her grip I smack her to wake her up because she is such a hard sleeper. I told her we need to get up get in the shower so that we could get ready. Becca and I take a shower together because it saves water and we have seen each others naked and we are kind of in a hurry. We both get out of the shower and brush our teeth because I know at least I am trying to keep my teeth nice and white. Than I wash off yesterday's makeup because I was too lazy last night to take it off. I blow dry my hair so that I can curl it because I want to look cute today because Becca talked me into it and I can not say no to her. I did my makeup and I have to say I did a fantastic job even know I did not put that much effort into it. I finally get dressed in a mint tank top, a white skirt, mint pumps, and a nice necklace.

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