Scroll 12: Progress

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"I will aid you, Lady Thais. King Leonhart and you saved me from the darkness and this time, I want to be of help." I grabbed his hands together and assured him that he will see Yrif at its finest once more. I offered him some food and we enjoyed each other's company. Words were exchanged from time to time and I was glad to hear a bit of good things that happened while I was away.

"Thais?" I heard a voice from behind. Kaein, still in his pup form, trudged over to me and I pulled him to my lap. He looked at Daw and I could feel his immense stare.

"Kaein, this is Daw. He is the household member of King Leonhart." He scoffed at him which resulted to me scolding him.

"Now, now, that's not a good attitude to show, Kaein."

"Like I care! You are the only one important, no one else. I don't even understand why we need to help that king. His incompetence has gone up and those elders are nothing but brats. Elders my ass." I gave him a deadpan stare. It saddened me that he was thinking like this so I carefully chose my words.

"Kaein, every King can be at their lowest at some point, but they only need a little push. Remember when you and Luna never trusted me at first? I gave you one reason, right? That's all that this country need. A reason to strive and change what is happening." The Arjwani was silenced and I could feel the guilt radiate off him. I petted him.

"I'm sorry for my words." He apologized. Daw shot me a grateful look before telling me that he will have to return soon. I bade him farewell. Kaein jumped down from my lap and opened the door for us to see that Luna was approaching.

"Thank you for delivering the young prince, Luna".

"It was no problem! He seemed like a cool kid actually. I'll retire for the night. Will you also be sleeping now, Big Brother?" She inquired. Kaein nodded and I wished them good night.

Sinking back to my chair, I grabbed a pen and paper from my travel bag and thought of the problem carefully. The first one I had to do was list down what happened while I was gone.

'Let's see, I was gone for 14 and half years. The first 4 years still showed that Yrif was bright and rich. Then half of the fourth year, Leon was married to Hotaru. About three years later, the government suddenly changed. The problem rose from there. About five years later, circulation of dark metal vessels started. It was centered to the shunned slums. There were also reports that some middle class people were shunned without any reason? What the hell!? This Hotaru seemed a little suspicious as well. Where was she from? I'll ask Daw to look into these tomorrow. Next would be the elders. I've appointed Cleaudius, Barbarra, Melodius, Edward, and Zenard for they have shown dedication. Sivan told me that there was something suspicious with Cleadius and Zenard. There seemed to be some faction inside the government. Leonhart had been doing his best to resolve everything. Next was the sudden illegal works inside the country. It started the same time as the dark metal vessels. We have to go here tomorrow. I intend to see who owns that black market.' I noted. Scribbles here and there were done.

'Lady Thais, earlier, I sensed something dark inside that Hotaru woman. Another thing was that the sudden feeling of black rukh near here.' Marbas reported. I bit my lip in frustration. It kinda pained me to know that I have no slightest idea yet on how I was going to help them.

'For now, we should retire for the night. It's not good for your health, Lady Thais. We can appoint Daw to investigate about Hotaru, Kaein for the elders and Luna for the slums. This situation is very different from Balbadd and I suggest we take great precautions.' He said. I agreed at every word. All we could do for now was be informative about the events over the years.

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