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"Hey" I piped up behind Mikey which nearly made his skeleton jump out of his skin taking me by surprise; he knew if he didn't meet me at my locker, I would without a doubt be bugging him at his before school so why did I scare him so much?
"You okay?" I asked taking note of how he looked; a mess.
"Yeah why?"
"Mikey don't lie to me"
"I-I'm not" he stuttered as he slammed his locker shut.
"I gotta go"
"Wait" I said grabbing his arm which made him hiss and I immediately let go.
"Don't touch me" he demanded giving a death glare.
"Mikey I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he shook his head and began walking down the hall leaving me alone.

Mikey was odd, there was no secret to that; just like anything that had a brain and was able to breathe, it had its bad days which were perfectly fine to have however this was the first time I've seen Mikey like this; it was like a mixture of pain and anger but I didn't want to question him about it because I knew it would make the situation-whatever it was-worse but I was curious, worried. He was my only friend but not only that, he was a great person and I wanted to make sure he felt okay.

"He hissed? Like a snake?" Jamia asked later that day when I had called her during lunch. She went to the public school down the street because she refused to wear skirts and blazers; something I would've done but I decided to give it a shot y'know.
"No it wasn't like a joke, it was like he was in pain but I didn't even hold onto him tightly" I heard her gasp and then cough followed by a 'fuck' and I furrowed my eyebrows confused.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm smoking from a pack I took from Frank and shit these ones are strong"
"I'm surprised you two aren't dating" I told her.
"Enough of Frank and I. Mikey, back to Mikey. He's going through a lot of shit at the moment, him and G, I'd give him time to himself before questioning him on it"
"How does he deal with the pain?" I asked.
"He doesn't cut himself you can chill on that but he does take his brothers drinks, they aren't strong but they're strong enough to give him a slight buzz"
"But why?" I asked.
"Well you see Mikey's-"
"He's here I gotta go" I said quickly ending the call as Mikey walked onto the bleachers in a much better mood than this morning.

"Hey" he said.
"Sorry about this morning" I simply shook my head and put my phone in my blazer pocket before looking back at the boy.
"Don't apologize" he sighed and brought his knees up to his chest as he leaned against the fence.
"You okay?" I asked making him shake his head.
"No, no I'm really not" he said. I wanted him to elaborate on it but I didn't want to push him; he didn't trust easily and I didn't want him to feel pressured. Instead, I pulled him gently over to me and he let go of his knees and laid his head in my lap as I brushed his hair away from his face.
"I'm here for you, you know that right?" I felt him nod and I smiled at him. He was broken, there was nothing to lie about but he tried to show he was strong thinking that's what I wanted in a friend; I didn't. I wanted him to be honest because I wanted to help him.

"Wanna come to my house? My brother isn't home and neither are my parents because they're working but my grandma is" Mikey asked as we were about to hit my street; I smiled at the boy who cried on my skirt earlier and nodded which made him smile back as we continued the journey to his home which was a little up the street.
"What do you do when Gerard's not home?" I asked.
"Sneak in his room, take his strat, steal comics and retreat back to mine and learn Smashing Pumpkins songs"
"Do you know any?" I asked.
"I know Disarm on acoustic and I know how to play Today, Today on electric and I'm learning Cherub Rock"
"I love Disarm oh my god"
"That was the first one I learned to play" he stated proudly.
"Then you'll have to show me when we get to your place" I told him in which he nodded happily.

When we walked into his house, I immediately fell in love. It was a one storey home like mine but was defiantly bigger than mine but what was beyond beautiful was the sound of a piano being playing from somewhere which made Mikey smile as he took off his shoes; I followed suit.
"Mike?" I heard what sounded to be an elderly women as the music abruptly stopped.
"Yeah nana?"
"Just asking if it's you sweetie" she said. Mikey told me to follow him, the music was no longer playing but we walked into what seemed to be the living room where a piano was standing against the wall and Mikey's grandmother was sitting on the couch knitting and watching a soap opera on the television.
"Nana this is Evelyn, Evelyn this is my nana, Elena Lee" Elena smiled happily as she got up from the couch and coming over to us to hug me which I gladly accepted.

"It's to nice to meet you honey, Michael never shuts up about you"
"Nana" Mikey warned only making her laugh.
"It's nice to meet you too miss" I trailed off wanting a last name.
"Call me Helen, that's what my friends call me or Elena, that's my name anyway. You know what? How about both" she asked raising her hands as she smiled happily.
"Helena" Mikey said which made her wink at her grandson.
"I knew there was a brain somewhere in that pretty little head of yours. Are you kids hungry?" She asked.
"Uh no not right now, I'm gonna show Evelyn Gerard's guitar and his comic collection because she likes comics"
"Don't mess anything up down there, he'll kill you" she reminded him.
"I know I know" he said guiding me down to the dark basement which was known as his brother's room.
"He moved down here when he turned sixteen. Guess he wanted to jerk off in the middle of the night without me throwing a pillow at him from across the room" Mikey joked as he turned a light switch on which made the dark and creepy basement more friendly.
"This is so cool" I said looking around; he had a lot of Star Wars stuff and action figures which was really rad because I didn't think someone like him would be into stuff my brother liked but then again it was Gerard so anything was possible.

"Here it is" Mikey said pulling a guitar case from the side of the room from its hiding spot and putting it on the bed with a Star Wars bedspread and opening it to see a sunburst coloured strat that Mikey had been talking about.
"We put our money together and bought it but since Gerard used a bit more of his money he got to keep it in his room" Mikey explained as he plugged it into an amp and began playing Smells Like Teen Spirit which took me by surprise because I didn't know he listened to Nirvana.
"Fuck" he cursed when he realized he messed up; I barely noticed if I was being honest.
"Here, can I give it a try?" I asked. He smiled at me and put the strap over my shoulder and I placed my fingers over the maple coloured neck board before playing which left Mikey shocked.
"Whoa" was all he said.
"I prefer bass and piano but I have a guitar in my room though. I think you saw it standing beside the keyboard. It's just a white standard Les Paul but sounds like a beauty"
"I saw it" I handed him the guitar and he set it back in his case again before putting it away and looking at me.

"What brand was your bass?" He asked coming closer to me.
"Fender Mustang. Why?"
"When we run away together, bring that so you can teach me" I looked up at him and rose an eyebrow before hugging my friend in which he didn't take time to hold me just as tight as I was.
"Oh hey, look at the comics" Mikey said bringing me to his brothers collection.
"He'd kill us if we touched one but who cares" I nodded in his chest and he patted my shoulder which made me let go and he took two before heading up the stairs with me following him where the piano was playing again but Mikey turned around and told me to be quiet so we picked up our bags and made our way down the hall, passing baby pictures in the process and into his room where he closed the door.

"She's amazing" I commented.
"She loves playing. Ever since my grandpa died, that's all she ever really does because he use to love listening to her play and she does it now like a call to him" he explained as he removed his blazer and white button up leaving him in just a tank top which now gave me a better look as to why he was hissing making me gasp.
"Mikey, your arm"
"Huh?" He asked but I quickly grabbed it and examined it; it was burned.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Oh it's nothing"
"Mikey don't lie to me your arm is burnt let me fix this. Do you have a first aid kit?"
"I burnt it this morning making myself eggs" he shrugged off but I didn't let it go; this couldn't have been done by him.
"Where's the first aid kit" I demanded this time pushing him to sit on his bed. He pointed to his desk drawer and I walked over to it and pulled it out before walking back over to his bed and opening it up so see exactly what was in here and then back at the wound so I knew what I needed.
"How did this happen?" I asked as I began cleaning it making him tense.
"I told you, I just burned myself" I knew that wasn't the truth, someone did this to him and I wanted to find out who.


And the drama begins.
What do you think happened to his arm? Do you think he actually burnt himself or did someone else do it?
I apologize for this chapter being so shitty, I'll be sure to make them more interesting as the book goes on but this is the beginning of it all so get ready.

Did you like my references by the way? I tried to make them as smooth as I could so I hope they weren't too out there.

What did you think of this chapter? Also, should I end up putting Frank and Jamia together? Yeah he's dating Gerard but I could always change that.

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