Chapter Nine

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Hudson, Kathleen, his parents, and Gabriella were in front of the pack, but Gabriella was in front of her family facing Bryan, and she sees her ex-mate Cole Matthew, he decided to join her brother Bryan’s pack of rogues, he was abusive towards her, so she rejected him has her mate, she has a second chance mate somewhere out there, they are going to have a meeting with the neighborhood pack called Blackwood Clan. All of a sudden, Alpha Black in his wolf form came out of North of woods, smell of pine hit Gabriella right in the face, the huge gray wolf went behind a tree, minutes later came out in his human form he had green eyes, with midnight black hair, he wore tight dark blue jeans, his red V-neck shirt showed off his muscular chest, he stepped in front of Hudson, “nice to see you old friend!” he ignored Gabriella, Hudson said “Nice, to see you Grayson, thank you for joining us in this fight with my brother Bryan AKA Alexander Sanders Alpha of The Rogues.” “no, problem we have a treaty in place, to help one another if in trouble.” Finely Alexander Sanders join them, “Hello family what a wonderful family reunion, well Hudson you have grown into your looks, where is our father The Alpha of this weak pack?” Jyson starts to step forward, Hudson puts his hand up for his father to stop, he drops Kathleen hand, Caleb her brother steps up beside Kathleen since she is future Luna. “well Bryan, wait I mean Alexander I am the Alpha of this pack, our father is no longer in charge, I am.” “Well look here Hudson is the Alpha now!” He stepped forward and got in Hudson's face “if I had killed Gabriella, mother, and father I would have been the Alpha, but our special little sister and the neighborhood pack saved this Stupid pack, and I became a rogue, because I was thrown out of the pack, but I became powerful and the leader of the rogues.” He stepped back, and transformed into his wolf he tried to go at their parents, but Gabriella raised her hand and through Alexander into a tree, and killed half his pack without moving from her spot, Alexander turns  back into his human form and screamed at Gabriella, “I should of killed you Gabby when you were a stupid baby, but I didn’t. I will kill your pack, I will torture you, but I’ll make you watch while I kill everyone else, including your stupid mate Grayson Black, oh yes sweetheart Grayson his your true mate, Cole Matthew was just a trick.” Alexander turned and said before he disappeared “ill be back when the Moon is full, because it will be a great war, since all werewolves are stronger with a full moon” he ran and disappeared. Gabriella fell to the ground she was caught by Grayson Black, she looking in his eyes and say softly “Mate!” before she slipped in to darkness, she had used to much power, more then she could handle. She was taken to her packs doctor.

Grayson joined Hudson in the office. “Hudson, can I take you sister Gabriella back to my pack, I can teach her to get with her powers so this doesn’t happen again in the future?” Hudson looks at Grayson “is there something you haven’t told me old friend?” Grayson rasied his hands and there was a gust of wind “I have powers to, but I am half witch and half wolf” Hudson looks at him “Can you promise me that she will be ready in four weeks Grayson?” “Yes Hudson I promise she will be ready in four weeks” They made a plan to meet back up in four weeks two days before the full moon. After Gabriella woke up, she said goodbye and joined Grayson Black at his pack house. She had a lot of work to do, before the full moon. She entered Grayson pack house everyone attacked her with questions “Everyone leave Gabriella alone, she his tired and she needs rest” Grayson said in his Alpha voice. He takes her up to his room, he closes the door, all of a sudden Gabriella attacks him and they fell on the floor, the entered a make out session, that lead to other stuff. “Grayson, please mark me I have been waiting for years.” When she was fourteen her and Grayson dated, but when she turned sixteen the broke up because she thought she found her mate, so she and Cole got together, but never had sex or even marked each other, Cole would always say it wasn’t time he would leave for weeks. She thought it was strange that her mate didn’t want to mark her, finely she ended it with Cole. Know she learned her real mate was her first love. Grayson kissed down her sweaty neaked body, he got to the spot between her neck, and shoulder blade he licked it Gabriella moaned his name, which excited his wolf Gray he bites her spot, he was still inside her, he started to thrust in her, the pain turned into pleasure, he then licked the blood off her neck, then it was her time to mark Grayson, she let her wolf Kate take over, they did a round three, then she marked Grayson. After all the excitement, Gabriella fell asleep, Grayson escaped to his office, he called his mother Sue and sister Brandi to come to the pack house to help with Gabriella's powers, since Grayson, and Gabriella are half witch their children will be in danger, yes the mated but they have to learn to work as a team, with him and her being very hard headed it will be a challenge for them to work together

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