Polyjuice Potion: Year 2

Start from the beginning

"This is unbelievable. Unbelievable," Ron muttered, staring into the cracked mirror with wide eyes as he poked and prodded Crabbe's face.

"We'd better get going. We've still got to find out where the Slytherin common room is. I only hope we can find someone to follow..." Harry replied, looking over to Hermione's stall.

"You don't know how bizarre it is to see Goyle thinking," Ron commented, earning a soft snort of laughter from Amisty, before knocking harshly on Hermione's door, "C'mon, we need to go -- "

"I -- I don't think I'm going to come after all. You go on without me," Hermione replied, her voice a few octaves too high to be deemed casual.

"Hermione, we know Millicent Bulstrode's ugly, no one's going to know it's you -- " Ron replied, rolling his eyes slightly.

"No -- really -- I don't think I'll come. You two hurry up, you're wasting time -- " Hermione protested.

Amisty was just about to squeeze through the bottom of the stall yet again when Hermione's shoe stopped her.

"That looks more like Goyle. That's how he looks every time a teacher asks him a question," Ron's voice barely registered to her as she tried to find a way to wiggle past the makeshift blockade Hermione had put in place.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Harry asked, once he noticed Amisty was getting nowhere with her attempts at sneaking in.

"Fine -- I'm fine -- go on -- " She replied hastily, but it was clear she was far from being fine.

Amisty pawed at Hermione's shoes, her claws almost getting caught in the long fabric of her cloak.

Her friend didn't budge.

"We'll meet you back here, alright?" Harry replied after checking his watch anxiously.

Amisty looked up at him, concerned.

He gave a helpless sort of shrug, there was no way they would be getting in her stall. So instead of pressuring her further, they headed out of the bathroom.

Immediately Amisty drifted into the shadows, her green eyes luminous in the dark light. On the hunt for a Malfoy.

"Don't swing your arms like that," Harry muttered through the side of his mouth to Ron, who was walking as he usually did.

"Eh?" Ron whispered back, raising an eyebrow.

Well, they certainly were doing good jobs at imitating the cluelessness of the two boys they were pretending to be.

"Crabbe holds them sort of stiff..." Harry replied, subtly showing him as he straightened his own.

"How's this?" Ron asked, holding them straight and stuff, almost just like how Crabbe did it.

"Yeah, that's better," Harry nodded minusculely, and they continued on in nervous silence.

"Any ideas?" Harry asked as they waited at the bottom of a marble staircase for a Slytherin to pass by.

Amisty, keeping careful to stay out of sight of anyone who wasn't paying too much attention, crept the slightest bit closer to them.

Her eyes dulled in their glow as she came away from the darkness, though they were still bright.

"The Slytherins always come up to breakfast from over there," Ron replied, giving a small nod to the dungeon entrance.

A girl, almost right as he finished talking, walked through. Amisty shot back into the darkness of the corridor, turning her head so her eyes weren't visible.

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