A bubble in the potion popped as if to accent his forlorn words.


Amisty was sitting in the common room, waiting for Harry to come down for their usual meetings.

To pass the time she had been writing her reply to the letter... for the third time.

"You're still writing to your penpal?" Harry asked, startling her slightly and she moved her quill before it splotched the parchment.

"Yes, they said they'd tell me who they are in their next letter," She replied, looking up as he took a seat beside her.

"Well, that's bound to be interesting, no wonder you're in such a hurry to write them back," Harry smiled, leaning forward and examining the small pile of crumpled paper she had formed.

"I'll set it aside for now," She capped her ink pot and pushed the rest of her supplies away. Her nose wrinkled slightly as a foul scent reached her nostrils and she blinked. "What's that smell?"

"Neville bought an onion and a halfway rotten newt tail. He wants protection from that monster in the Chamber," Harry answered, answering as if he was unbothered by the rancid smell.

"But why would he bother? He's a pureblood," Amisty tilted her head to the side, confused.

"He said something like, 'They went for Filch first. And everyone knows I'm almost a Squid,'" He replied, saddened.

"Aw... poor Neville..." Amisty's voice trailed off, a worried frown tugging on the corner of her mouth.

"He'll be alright," Harry reassured, but he didn't look entirely convinced by his words.

"I hope so."


A week had passed.

The quartet was just passing through the entrance hall when they were blocked by a group of people around the notice board.

Dean was the first to see them, beckoning them over with the help of Seamus once he had noticed. They walked over.

"They're starting a Dueling Club! First meeting tonight! I wouldn't mind dueling lessons; they might come in handy on of these days..." Seamus exclaimed, grinning as he pointing toward the new piece of parchment.

"What, you reckon Slytherin's monster can duel?" Ron asked sarcastically, though his crude tone was betrayed by how his eyes were focused on the paper as well.

They headed off to dinner, leaving the knot of people behind but the club still fresh in their minds.

"Could be useful. Shall we go?" Ron asked as they all entered the Great Hall for dinner.

"I think we should," Amisty nodded, thinking of how important it was to know how to fight.

"Better safe than sorry," Hermione mimicked her nodding.

"I agree," Harry added.

So, eight o'clock sharp, they rushed to the Great Hall yet again, but this time ready with their wands instead of their hunger.

Amisty took in the new decor. The dining tables had disappeared, replaced with a long golden stage lit by sparkling floating candles. A crowd had already formed around it, all students chatting excitedly with their wands withdrawn.

Amisty couldn't help but notice a head of platinum blonde hair, stark in the sea of hair. She scowled, tugging on the sleeves of her robes to distract herself.

"I wonder who'll be teaching us? Someone told me Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young -- maybe it'll be him," Hermione wondered aloud, her eyes bright as she took out her wand.

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