Chapter 8: Making Amends

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🎧 Song: Hard Times by Paramore 🎧

Making Amends


The past week was boring. Just the usual with me and Evan making Ashton jealous. We never got around to talking about his problem with Jamie so I was hoping we'd meet up somewhere in the weekend.

I decided to call him since today is Friday and it was best to just get this over with so I can know what's going on, because the last thing he told me got me triggered as fuck.

"Hey fake boyfriend" I said as soon as he picked up.

"Hey fake girlfriend" he said while chuckling.

"So, wanna go the park and talk about it?"

"Well, I have to tell you at some point and I can't just keep running away from it so yeah I guess."

"Good idea. Pick me up in 10?"


I end the call and wear a random outfit not really caring about my attire since I was too anxious to focus.

I brushed my hair, put on a light coat of mascara and wore my vans.

After about 5 minutes I heard a car honk outside. I grabbed my phone and left the house without having to yell goodbye this time since none of my parents were home.

"Which park do you wanna go to?" he asked me as soon as I closed the car door.

"The nearest one" I said flashing him a smile.

We drove in silence since we had plenty of time to talk.

Once we parked the car, I noticed no one was around. There were only like 2 kids and their parents with and a couple walking. I expected it to be a little more packed than this since it was Friday but I guess this is better than little kids crying.

I sat on the swing and it lightly swung forward. Evan sat on the swing next to me and we sat in silence for a minute or two.

"You gonna start?"

"Yeah. Ok so I think you obviously remember that I told you that my mom came out of nowhere that day."


"So when she came she was really drunk and mad. I guess she was lead to our house to blow off some steam because of the things she said that day. She started saying that she wanted Jamie to go with her because I was just like my dad and honestly I took that as a complement because she's the one at fault plus he's a good husband and dad but then she said that I reminded her of him so that's why she didn't want me to go with her. Honestly I wasn't going with her either way anyway but she was still my mother you know? So anyways one of the people who she cheated on dad with was my dad's best friend but that isn't the only reason I said Jamie was like her. It was because I admit I was a little jealous that she liked Jamie better than me. The worst part was that I could tell that Jamie wanted to go with her. I didn't know why but I could see it in her eyes. It's hard to explain honestly." After that he sighed and ran a hand through his hair which I noticed he did a lot when he was nervous or uncomfortable.

"But why did you say Jamie was just like her after a couple of days?"


"You said that your mom came a couple of days before you fought. What triggered you to say that after a gap of that much time?"

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