Chapter seven

Beginne am Anfang

She almost bit into her lip but quickly released it and gave me a small smile and said "where are we going?" I looked down at my little angel and said "you'll see." I wanted to grab her hand again but haven't since taking her to meet Kyle and my mom. I wanted to but man it did crazy shit to me to touch her. I motioned for the door and she turned and walked towards it. I looked down at her small ass and the strain in my pants was there again.

I can't believe how fucking tiny she was. I quickly looked away and tried not to think about how good she looked in those jeans. If I plan on spending the day with her I was going to have to tread on water very very care-fully.

We walked out and I locked the door. We made it outside and the warm morning air hit me. Yep, today was going to be the perfect day and I wasn't about to spend it locked up in the apartment. What I needed was to see that smile again. She walked up to the truck and I looked at her profile. She was pressing her lips together to try and hide that smile that I wanted to see so badly.

I said "what?" She looked over at me and said "I was just wondering how in the world I was going to get into this thing." I looked back to my truck and realized she had never been in it. I looked back to her and opened the door and said "I'll show you." Then I grabbed her hips and she grabbed my arms. I haven't touched her all week, except for her feet, and that one touch sent a shock right to my dick. She looked up at me and her breath hitched again.

I wanted so badly to kiss her but I if I did I knew I wouldn't stop. Taking her in the parking lot was not something I was going to do and that thought surprised the hell out of me. I have taken plenty of women in public before and didn't give a shit if anyone seen. No-one was going to see her though. No-one but me.

I lifted her up and placed her in the seat. Her eyes went wide again and I looked her right in those beautiful gold eyes and said "looks like I'm going to have to get a step bar for you angel. Not that I mind picking you up though." I released her hips and her hands fell from my arms. I was hoping to get a reaction to that but instead her eyes went flat and she said "you don't have to do that."

I took a step back and she swung her legs around. I knew why she said it and I wanted to tell her she wasn't going anywhere. I didn't though and said before I shut her door "I'll get your door and help you out when we get there." I didn't wait for her to respond and walked around the front of the truck and got it.

I looked over at her and she was looking out the window. Great! Seeing that smile maybe harder than I thought. I started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street. I had music playing but I didn't have it turned up too loud. I wanted her to talk to me. After ten minutes of silence she said "where are we going?" I glanced over at her her eyes weren't flat, lifeless, and had some shark in them.

I smiled at her and said "were going to have breakfast at this fancy place you work at." I had only been at the club a few times and it was in the bar which both times lead me to one of the rooms. I never ate in the dining hall and I heard they had a really good food. I looked back over and she was shaking her head and pressing her lips together again.

She said "my day off and your taking me to eat at where I work?" Remember when I tell you the real reason for going here that I warned you I was a dick. I wanted to size everyone up and see how they responded to her. I know, I'm a crazy man but she didn't talk much about work and it had been eating at me.

I just hope Kyle kept his word or this could get really really ugly. I said "I heard the food is good and the waitresses are sexy." I was referring to her and when I glanced over at her I noticed her cheeks were pink again. I pulled up and killed the engine. I looked back to her and said "you okay with eating here?"

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