Golden Glitter

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One step closer.. two steps closer.. and so does life go by trying to reach the unreachable, trying to fly into a throne that shimmers in the distant.

You fight everyday for that unreachable golden light looking at it everyday looking at thy neighbor flashing it by with all its golden glitter. Three steps closer, four steps closer. Living a life in a caged room piling up golden glitter all around you but ending up heartbroken and tired at the end of the day trying to reach the unreachable.

You see the world having it all and you wonder what have you done wrong to be denied of such good luck but one day you see it and you borrow it for a moment. In that instant you realize that you gave up your life trying to reach golden glitter that will never fill you or hold you. In that moment reaching to the conclusion that golden glitter can't buy happiness.

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