Chapter 5

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"Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm going to be late!" The pink haired heiress exclaimed. Tasuku sighed watching her freak out.

"Shinetsu." He called out to her exasperated. She ignored him and continued to talk to herself in panic.

He sweat-dropped comically. He tapped her shoulder, effectively stopping her chatter. "Yes?" She asked.

"Well, we can still make it if we hurry." He pointed out. "Yes of course! Let's go!" She exclaimed, dashing off while dragging him along.

*Time skip brought to you by your lazy ass author, Shinetsu1 *

"Tasuku... Tasuku... TASUKU!" A sharp stern voice cut through his daze. Tasuku jolted awake as the angry face of his homeroom teacher appeared.

"This is the last straw! You have been drifting off, ignoring my lessons. Your grades have dropped tremendously! I will not tolerate such behaviour! Even if you are a buddy police officer, it is not excuse for you to slack off in my class!" She exclaimed.

"I... I apologise, Teach. I didn't mean to..."

"I made him stay up last night to help me with my homework. Sorry Cher." Shinetsu stuck out her tongue and scratched the back of her head guiltily from the doorway outside the classroom.

"And who may you be?" The teacher raised an eyebrow at the petite pink haired girl.

"Shinetsu. I do think you recognise me and the position I hold over this school, no? I don't see a problem asking a fellow student to help me with my homework. " She raised her chin in an arrogant manner as she stared at the female teacher in the eye challengingly.

"Of... Of course not..." The teacher stuttered, taken aback by the confidence this... Puny pink haired girl radiated.

Tasuku sighed and bashed his forehead against the desk. She always did this whenever he was called out or in trouble. He appreciated the help but she could get herself in trouble, throwing her title around like that. Most of his classmates were already buzzing with gossip on this arrogant girl who stormed in the classroom.

Tasuku narrowed his eyes threateningly at the judgemental stares they were throwing at his friend. He never approved of frivolous gossip.

All those negative rumors circulating about Shinetsu took a toll on her, yet she just shrugged them off with a carefree smile. In a way, she just reminded Tasuku of how he always used to ignore his own pain.

The teacher sighed and let him off the hook, giving him a stern warning as she did so. Shinetsu grinned and left for her own classroom, mouthing a casual "You owe me one" to him.

Tasuku returned it with the traditional "OK" hand signal and a small grateful smile before turning back his attention to class. Shinetsu may be a nuisance at times but she was one of his best friends for a good reason.

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