Chapter One

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Chapter One

Ben's POV

Thirteen year old Ben Ryder woke up to a weird beeping noise coming from his left ear.

Groaning, he reached for the nearest object, which happened to be his school assigned literature book, and smacked it on the source of the odd beeping noise.

"Ow!" it screeched

Groaning again, Ben rolled to his side.

Wait a minute. Since when do alarm clocks talk? Much less screech.

The only thing Ben knew that screeched so loudly was...

"Oi! Get up you lazy idiot! Its time for school!" 15 year old Samantha Ryder screamed into her brothers ear.

Slowly opening his eyes, Ben stared into a pair of peircing dark blue eyes, much like his own.

"Its 6:50 and your bus comes in, like, ten minutes"

Muttering under his breath, Ben groggily sat up and surveyed his room.

A typical teen boys room, along with a very pissed off older sister standing in the doorway.

"About time" Samantha spat. "Mom made breakfast; bacon and pancakes"

Now this was music to his ears.

Ben's eyes widened.


Samantha snorted. "Brandon and Brett probably ate most of the bacon by now, and if you keep sitting in that bed and staring into space like those pancakes and bacon are just gonna pop out of nowhere, you'll miss breakfast"

Leaving it at that, Bens older sister stormed away.

Sighing, Ben rolled out of bed and tugged on some shorts, along with a T shirt.

Stumbling into his bathroom, Ben stared at his own reflection.

A mass of ginger hair lay atop his pale skin, dotted with freckles.

Combing his fingers through his hair twice, he smiled. There. Perfect.

"Benjamin Ryder, your school bus is coming soon! Get down here right now!"

"Coming mother!" Ben cried and scrambled out of his room.


Ben stepped out of his house, and was greeted by a gust of sweet morning wind.

He took a deep breath and headed to his bus stop.

Once he arrived, he checked his watch.


The bus was late. Again.

He sighed and plopped on the grass near the bus stop and let the wind blow against his hair.

"Hey. Why the glum face, Ryder?" A voice said behind him.

Ben turned around and looked into a pair of deep green eyes. Carter Holt.

He grinned. "Hey yourself, Holt"

His friend gracfully jogged over and landed next to Ben.

"Why the glum face?" Carter repeated.

Ben shrugged. "School. Who isnt glum over the idea of school?"

"Whats to hate about school?" Carter asked.

Ben threw his hands in the air. "Everything! From quizes and and tests to taking up 7 hours of a kids day!"

Carter frowned. "The tests and quizzes are ok. Pretty easy actually"

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