Chapter 24.

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It didn't take a sober person to know who just sat down with me, and I definitely wasn't sober. I knew he would show up, and maybe that says something.

Ryker was staring me down- he looked like he wanted to eat me alive.

I wished he would.

It was the plan that he'd show up and see me having fun, and I'm hoping he saw me with Cole.

You'd think it was obvious that Ryker wanted me if I could tell that he was going to follow me here, but he was so confusing that I didn't. He had you doubting everything, wishing for anything.

"So, having fun?" He asked, trying to sound light-hearted.

"Yes, what are you doing here?" I replied, trying to act casual.

"Well when you mentioned going out I figured it's Friday night, sounded like a good idea." He sounded so genuine that he almost had me convinced it was true, maybe it was? My frustration started to grow inside of me, I could feel myself getting worked up. "So who's your new friend?" He was totally unreadable.

"I just met him, he's so nice," I tried not to be too obvious, "I think you'd like him. He's supposed to be getting me a drink, I'm going to see what's taking so long, enjoy yourself." I added a friendly smile and got up and walked over to where Cole was at the bar, making sure to swing my hips slightly. I remembered I was in a latex dress, I may as well make the most of it. I didn't look back.

"Hi," I said as I approached Cole, I'd noticed him look over and I was worried he'd think I lied about having a boyfriend, or that I was talking to some guy while he bought me a drink. There wasn't need for loyalty, he was a stranger, but I didn't want him to think I wasn't respectful.

"Hi, sorry I saw you talking to someone so I just thought I'd wait a second and I met your friends," Cole explained and I felt a little guilty. He didn't look upset or annoyed, just a little confused.

"Oh I'm sorry, he's just a friend that I bumped into I suppose, thank you." I apologised and he smiled at me and handed me my drink.

"That's good then," he said and we both took long gulps of our drinks. I set my glass down next to Maisy.

"Girls will you mind our drinks for us? We're going to dance," I gave Cole a cheeky smile and took his hand and led him into the dance floor, the beat seemed to have gotten louder and I felt in under my skin. The vodka started to hit me straight away.

I spun around and me and Cole were beaming at each other. I wasn't going to let Ryker get in my head, I wanted to have fun, he could watch if he wanted to. He was going to be right next to me every second of every day, that was kind of his job. I was just going to have to deal with it.

Cole seemed a little awkward so I gave him some guidance. "It's okay, you can touch me," I shouted over the music and guided Coles hands to my waist. He soon loosened up and we we're dancing, I was spinning around and swinging my hips that he had a grip on, our heads were bobbing and I'm sure I caught him looking at my boobs once or twice. I laughed it off and we were laughing over the music, I was having fun but I couldn't help it, I so badly wanted it to be Ryker that I was dancing with. I wanted him to grip my hips and laugh with me, hell even look at my boobs if he wanted to.

The song finished and we made our way off the dance floor, I knew it was my queue to end my time with Cole for the night, it was fun but I didn't want to lead him on.

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