Chapter 5: Flashback

Start from the beginning

"Yeah well your form is terrible," Bass replies.

"Maybe you could teach me?" I smirk and Bass's grip around my waist tightens, removing the little amount of space between us.

"You're going to get us in trouble," Bass whispers in my ear.

"Only if you play your cards right," I reply just loud enough for Bass to hear me over the music.

I don't know how I'm holding myself back; my strength is diminishing again. I'd kissed Bass during a training session just a few days ago. He kissed me back briefly before he pulled away and said he couldn't because of Miles.

"I always play my cards right," Bass's lips brush over my ear.

I don't know what made him change his mind since our last close encounter, but I'm glad he's not acting like a little whipped bitch anymore.

"We'll see about that."

"How about right now?" Bass whispers in my ear.

It takes a lot to hold back and not jump instantly; Bass has a big enough ego as it is and I don't want to add to its size.

"What are you tired already?"

"Sure . . . If that's what it takes to move this elsewhere," his lips are hovering just an inch from mine; teasing me.

"What made you change your mind?" I keep my feet moving in synch with his. It's almost impossible to focus on the music and Bass at the same time.

"You," Bass answers simply before he stops moving, but keeps hold of my hand while the other falls from my back and to his side, "I'm leaving, are you coming?"

To hide my eagerness, I pause before I give Bass a simple nod. He doesn't waste any time before he leads the way. Bass, Miles and I share the one big complex and I already know that Miles is preoccupied with Nora meaning Bass and I can have some alone time in his apartment without the fear of Miles walking in on us.

The few minutes it takes us to finally make it through his doors, feels like hours and I feel the excitement double in response to the sound of the lock echoing around the room. We finally have our privacy and I am done waiting and fantasising; it is time to make real memories.

I waste no more time and throw myself at Bass, his body crashes against the locked double doors as our lips part and his arms wrap around my waist; pulling my body against his. My racing heartbeat roaring in my ears is nearly louder than the sound of our wet, clashing lips. It's like all the accumulated tension between us is blowing up. I have no control over my body. Within moments our clothes are scattered all over the place; starting from the door and leading to the bedroom. Our bodies are a tangled mess, and stay that way until exhaustion and dehydration gets the better of us.

"I always pictured a six pack; you're lacking a little," I try to keep my panting to a minimum, but I feel like I've just ran a marathon.

"Oh really?" He laughs and I feel the vibration is his chest, as I rest my head against his torso.

"By the way I expect breakfast in bed," it's getting harder to keep my eyes open as Bass gently runs a hand up and down my arm.

"You know if we get caught I'm blaming it all on you."

"You are so afraid of my brother!" I tease.

"Not afraid," Bass disagrees.

"Ahuh . . . Sure-sure," I can't help but laugh.

"You know there are guys your age that would kill to be with you," Bass says matter-of-factly; changing the subject.

"Too bad I'm not interested."

"Well you should be, and just so you know; you're far too beautiful for your own good; you know that right?"

"Oh please am I meant to fall for that line?" I ask.

Nice try though.

"I was just saying how it is."

"And I bet you use that line on every girl."

"You think that little of me?"

"Are you forgetting who you're talking too? I know what you are like with girls Bass," I should walk away myself.

Bass is kind of a womaniser. He settled down a while back but lost his girlfriend and their baby during child birth, and since then he's avoided serious relationships, but he is different when he's with me. I dunno maybe it's just an act, but I don't think it is; well I hope it isn't.

My luck with men hasn't been that great so far.

"It's not like that with you Ade."

"Then what's it like?" I crane my neck slightly enough to see his face.

"You know what happened last time I settled down; I lost everything," I see the heartache written all over his face.

"I remember. She was beautiful."

"She was, and so are you."

"Well you're not too bad yourself," I try and lighten the mood and Bass places a kiss on the top of my head.

"I meant what I said. You're not like any girl I've met before and trust me; I've met a lot. You scare me."

"Scare you?" I ask slightly confused, and start drawing shapes on his bare chest.

"The way you look at me like I'm a good person, and the way you stare right through me like you can tell what I'm thinking."

"You are a good person."

"I've done things--" Bass starts.

"We've all done things Bass," I've killed unfortunately, but only to protect those that I love and care about. Before we settled down here, before they had their army we had to fight to defend our camps and our people constantly.

It got ugly real quick.

"We should have got you somewhere safe. You only had to kill because you were with us; we--"

"I don't regret any of it," I interrupt, "I saved people."

I know they've killed to get what they have. I know that Miles is known for being brutal. I've tried to leave but Miles is my family and I have no idea where Ben is. I have to believe that this is the only way to restore order and stop all the chaos.

No mercy; it show's weakness.

"You deserve better."

"That's probably true but I've already made up my mind."

"Well I guess it would be a waste of time to try and change it."

"Damn right," I press my lips against his.


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