Chapter 1 (Harry Potter)

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"I cannot believe that neither of you want to finish your education!" Hermione exclaimed to the two boys in front of her. They were clearly not listening. However, she did not let that minor detail distract her from her rant. "I mean we spent six years of our lives at the is school is one more honestly going to kill you?"

Harry and Ron were sitting on the couch of the drawing room at Number 12 Grimwald Place. The darker haired boy, more accurately man, was showing his friend the wonders of something the muggles called 'internet'.

Harry sighed in slight annoyance as he turned away from the screen. The two of them had received this talk three times this week alone. "Honestly 'Mione," he began keeping his voice as friendly as he could. "I'm the chosen one. I defeated Voldemort. The Ministry of Magic could care less if I 'finished my education.' Ron and I start Auror training next week. We basically already have jobs. What would be the point?"

"Hey Harry, can you show me how to get to vuutube again?" asked Hermione's insufferable redheaded boyfriend.

As Harry turned back around Hermione started to wonder why she even bothered. Everything she said just went in one ear and out the other. That was when she noticed the rapping sound. There was an owl at the window delivering The Daily Prophet. She paid the creature and took the paper from his beak. She was so relieved by the distraction that she almost didn't notice the bloody picture on the first page and the headline in large print reading, "Another Defense Teacher Lost. Is the Curse at Hogwarts Really Over?"


The picture was probably one of the worst ever run by the newspaper. It showed a healer leaning over the body of a once handsome middle aged man. It looked as though he had been petrified by magic. But that was not the bad part. His throat was slit. Not by magic, but by a knife. It lie on the ground next to him. Even in the black and white photograph Hermione felt she could almost see the crimson color of the large puddle of blood rolling across the ground.

Even worse still, she recognized the tapestry on the wall behind him. He had been murdered at Hogwarts.

She gasped out loud when she noticed this. She half expected Harry and Ron to inquire what was wrong, but instead she looked over to see them completely entranced by some stupid video of a cat doing tricks.

"Guys listen to this!" The urgency in her voice must have been apparent because at that point both boys turned around to meet her eye.

She began to read:

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Oliver Oaklord, was found dead in the castle at approximately 12:30 this morning. The body was discovered by two sixth years prefects doing their rounds for the night. 'The scene was horrific,' states Sean Blackwell, Hufflepuff. 'We were just walking the corridors like every other week... We never expected something this drastic...' For more from information see page 5

"This morning many kids in the school woke up excited that the term was over, and they'd be making their way home on the Hogwarts Express this evening. However at breakfast they received the news and their day was changed completely. They have had a rough year already. With the Battle of Hogwarts happening earlier this month, it barely even qualifies as a school year. Now there is murder loose on the grounds.

"Since the appointment of Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts has been under very questionable control. (For more information on him check out my book, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, available every). Severus Snape hired Death Eaters to teach at the school, and now Headmistress Minerva McGonagall has allowed a person to be murdered under her nose. I myself am outraged that we as a Wizarding Community still send our young impressionable child to this horrid school run by mad men. It is time Hogwarts made some serious changes."

The passage went on for several more paragraphs, but Hermione was simply to outraged to continue.

"Can you believe this?" Hermione was furious that anybody would say such things about Hogwarts.

That was when she noticed the giggling. She didn't even have to look up. She already knew they were back to watching that stupid cat video.

She wanted to scream. She was so

furious. "Well I'm going back to Hogwarts next year, and investigate by myself then, because you arses don't give enough of a shite to look at me!"

That got their attention. Hermione never cursed. Both boys jerked their heads her direction, identical looks of shock painted on their faces.

They were both silent.

"Look Hermione," Ron broke the awkward silence. "We know you'll tell us eventually-"

"How can I if you will never listen?!" she didn't care if she was being irrationally anger. This had gone on too long. She had passed her breaking point.

"I'm sorry," Harry was rightfully ashamed. "I understand what you're saying, and honestly, I think it's time we went back."

"You mean-"

"We gotta get back to Hogwarts!" Harry was grinning ear to ear.


So what did you think? The next chapter will focus on Sam and Dean and then the Doctor.

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