Once we got everything together and I put comforters and pillows on it I just laid down on it because it's a lot of work to carry a king sized mattress up a flight of stairs. Ed sat down on the end of the bed and looked at me.

"I never thanked you for getting that girl away from me today, so thank you... jeez, she would not leave me alone." He said as he played with the hem of his shirt.

"Yeah, no problem." I smiled.

"Oh and wh—." he started, but I cut him off.

"I think that taking pictures and meeting fans is annoying now because all they ever did was ask about you." I told him. He didn't say anything. "That's how I became such an ass... I learned how to not let it affect me by telling them that they don't need to know about my personal life." He still didn't say a word and I know exactly why. "And - and I didn't want to tell you because you're so vulnerable right now and now you think it's your fault. Please, please don't feel guilty because it really isn't your fault. It's theirs for being nosey." It actually wasn't his fault, my fans just need to learn that my life is MY life. Not theirs.

They've always asked about my personal life, but in the last two years, the questions have been specifically about Ed, and it made me upset whenever someone brought it up because I was trying to get over him. I didn't succeed with that.

"I do feel guilty." He mumbled. "You wouldn't have had to worry about them asking questions like that if I hadn't fixing cheated." He rested my head in his hands.

I got up, walked over and stopped in front of him. "Ed stop, please it's not your fault, they're just too nosey and I got sick and tired of it.

"It's just... you used to love it when a fan asked for a picture, and now you despise it. Lately I've been feeling like everything is my fault or that I ruin everything and I can't help but add this too the list."

I grabbed his arm and pulled him up into a hug. I hate seeing him so upset like this. He hugged me so tightly, like he didn't ever want to let go. I hugged him back with the same passion.

I never stopped thinking about him, he was always in the back of my mind. I remember one night when I was seeing Paul, we were fucking and I called him Ed by accident.

"Thank you for helping me today I really appreciate it." I said as we embraced each other.

"No problem." He mumbled.

"After we get my clothes in here I can take you back to Stuart's." I say, pulling away and smiling at him. He nodded and we went out the front door to the truck.


Ed's POV:

After we finished bringing Sam's clothes into his new house he dropped me off at Stuart's place. We talked a little bit before hand and shared a kiss in the car. The whole time I was helping him I was hoping that he would ask me if I wanted to move in with him. I just  really want to be officially back together with him because I need another chance to love him the right way.

I walked in the front door and shut it behind me.

"Ed?" Stuart called from a different room.

"Yeah, mate?" I called back. He didn't say anything back and I stood by the door anticipating a response.

"Guess who is on the cover of People's magazine." He came out of a room holding a magazine.

I just looked at him and grabbed the magazine from him revealing the cover. It was a picture of Sam and I at Denny's. And the text in the corner read "Is our favorite celebrity couple back together? (See pages 18-19)". I immediately turned to pages eighteen and nineteen to read the article. It wasn't very long but there was a picture of Sam and me in his car when we were making out.

"I already read it of course." Stuart said. "So are you guys back together?" He asked. I don't really know, I don't think we are but Sam was kind of protective at the mall, not allowing me to give the girl my number (even though I wasn't going to anyway).

"Um..." I scratched my head. "No."

"Hm?" He looked either confused or disappointed. Probably both. "You've really brightened up since he's been around."

I looked at the magazine and smiled to myself. "Yeah."

"Woah!" He scared me. "Did you just smile?!"

"I did." I smiled once again, it feels good to have a reason to smile again. They aren't quite as forced as they used to be.

Sorry this update took so long, school just started two weeks ago and Ive already had like 6 breakdowns :// so my apologies if updates are slow. ❤️ thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote. #unedited

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