Drunken Mistakes

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Karmen portaled into the main room of the shack where she saw Rubyn sitting on the couch. "Oh Rubyn, you're still awake. Listen, you'll never guess what..." She trailed off when she realized what he had been doing. "W-what What Karmen? Do you have a problem with me drinking? Why would you care? You don't care about anything." Rubyn slurred, this hit Karmen directly in the chest. She knew that she could be irresponsible, she knew that she rarely cared about anything, but this was one of the things that she did care about. The well-being of her friends "I couldn't sleep..." He continued. "I can't stop thinking about what I've seen... What I've done... I just wanted to forget for a while... I don't wanna care anymore... It seems to work fine for you. I-I" He vomits. Karmen smiled sadly, completely dejected at the sight. She knew too many of her previous friends who went down the wrong path because of all the alcohol they sustained by trying to suppress their memories. Karmen leaned down and picked up Rubyn, bridal style. Rubyn groaned and protested "I can walk Karmen, I'm not a child." but didn't do anything against her picking him up. Karmen walked up the stairs to Rubyn's room and places him into his bed. She walked down to the kitchen to grab a glass and fill it up with water, and put a pill in it. Which she gives to Rubyn once she got back to his room. Rubyn took a sip of water, moments later he was passe out cold on the bed. Karmen walks out of the room and closes the door behind her. Karmen slid down the wooden door, pressing her back against it and sobbed into her knees. Prentiss had just walked down the stairs to grab a glass of water when she overheard Karmen sobbing, "What... Karmen?" her eyes widened. "What's wrong? What happened?" she asked, hoping to understand the situation, thinking that it would be big because it would have to be if it made Karmen sad. Karmen looked up and faced Prentiss directly into her eyes, before muttering. "Everything..."

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